Chapter 20:

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Peyton got in her car as fast as she could because she recognized the voice. It was Lucas, she knew that he would want to talk to her about that kiss.

She couldnt talk to him, she couldnt tell him how she felt towards him. She had started her car when Lucas got to her side.

"Peyton please dont leave I think we should really talk" he said. "I really cant right now I have to go Im sorrh Luke maybe another time" but before she could leave he got in the car with her.

"Lucas what are you doing? Please get out" she said. "No Im not going to get off we have to wheather you like it or not" he said.

She knew he would not get off and that she would not be able to hide her feelings any longer. "Fine we'll talk but can it be after I work on the project with Jake and Haley please"

He looked at her and he knew she would keep her word. "Fine righ after they leave" she agreed and dropped him off at Karens Cafe.

Peyton, Jake, and Haley had been working on their project for almost 3 hours when they decided to finish it another day. Jake left which left the girls alone.

"Okay I have a problem you right I noticied Jake starring at me the whole time!" Haley said once he left.

"Told you well if anything just talk to him his actually really nice nothing to do with the rest of the guys. But I have a bigger problem Lucas is coming over to talk about the kiss"

Haleys mouth opened she couldn't velieve what he was hearing. "I told him that we would talk but I dont know what to do"

"What do you mean you dont know what to do? Tell him the truth tell him how you truly feel" Haley insisted "lets say I do that would be betraying my best friend, can I really do that to Brooke for my happiness or do I just stay quiet?"

"Either way you lose Peyton, you tell him and risk losing your friend or you dont tell him and suffer seeing them together and their not even dating they have just gone out on a few dates im sorry to sound so harsh but sometimes you have to think about yourself instead of others."

In that moment Lucas walked in. "Ill see you guys later" Haley said and walked out leaving them alone. "I know you dont want to talk about the kiss but I think its something we have to talk about" Lucas said after there was a moment of silence.

"Luke that kiss..." she began but immediately stopped he looked at her. She turned her back so she wouldnt be facing him.

"I need to know what is going on with you and Brooke are you guys a couple?" He didnt expect her to talk about Brook. "Peyton what does this have to do with Brooke I dont get it."

"Please Lucas just answer the question" he didnt now exactly know what he and Brooke were they really didnt talk about that. "I honestly dont know I guess were getting to know each other"

She turned to face him "I was undecided to what to tell you if the truth or some lie it hasnt been easy for me seeing you with my best friend Lucas, I was this close to telling you a lie but I cant lie to myself anymore because its making me mad each and every day and I know by that once I tell you I could lose my best friend and theres a chance I can lose you too but I need to tell you."

He was now interested in what she had to say. Was she about to say what he had suspected was he getting ahead of himself?

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