Getting To Know Brooke

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Brooke was the most popular girl at school. She was the head cheerleader, prom queen, she wasnt really good in class but nobody really cared. She would throw some amazing partis at her house every guy wanted to date her and every girl wanted to be her.

But Brooke sometimes wanted to be like other people even if they werent popular. Yes she was rich but her parent were hardly with her. They'll would travel alot and they had a house in California which they stayed in inside of Tree Hill with their daughter.

Brooke felt like she had to keep up appearances. She had to fake being happy all the time. Yes it was cool not having her parents all the time which meant Brooke had no rules she could get home at what ever time she felt. Her parent gave her a credit card with unlimited use. So brooke wuld usually be at the mall every weekend.

She would be surrounded by the popular crowd. She knew nobody was really her friend for her but for what she had. The only true friend was Peyton. They grew up together and they had been there for one another in the tough times.

Brooke had made cheer caption during summer of freshman year. So when she became a sophomore she took it upon herself to make her best friend Peyton join too.

Brooke wasn't girlfriend material. She tried it once in 8th grade and did work out. So when she started high school she didnt want to get to serious with guy so she would only fool around with them.

Brooke wasnt a slut either but she did enjoy having a good time. But now that she was alone she felt like she needed someone there for her.

One afternoon she met a guy she felt attracted to. He wasnt a jock he wasnt popular but something about him caught Brookes attention...

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