Larry One Shot

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This is the sick fic dedicated to Anchor_Red because she won the contest! Go check out her works because she is an amazing writer. She is starting to work on a Fanfiction called, "Bound" and it sounds amazing! Go check her page to see details!

I hop around stage, getting the crowd roused up. The boys and girls in the audience scream loudly and jump up and down to the roaring music erupting from the microphones and speakers.

"Oh yea! Dirtbag!" Louis sings through my mic huskily, sending my stomach into flutters. I smile and look at my boy, but quickly look away when I see a few "Larry" signs pop up from the crowd.
Louis and Liam walk down from the ramp, laughing and pushing each other slightly. At they walked down objects were being thrown on stage. Stuffed animals, bras, hats, shirts, flags, and signs litter the stage.
When they reach the stage I turn away, Knowing I already caused to much attention to myself looking at Louis.

I sit down on the side of the stage, waving at some fans causing them to scream and jump up and down.

"What up Chicagoooooooo!" Louis' bright voice travels through the stadium. Screams and jumping people make the stadium feel as if it is vibrating and I can almost feel that familiar adrenaline pumping through my veins.

"I love this city." Niall walks down the stage with his guitar, doing his usual strut that makes everyone go crazy. Niall strums a few chords on his guitar and the crowd cannot get enough.

The boys talk a bit more and I look into the crowd, just enjoying the thrill of being on stage. "Temporary Fix" starts playing. Niall starts singing and I stand up, ready to do my punches and other dance moves I have fun doing and the crowd has fun watching.

I eye towards Louis, my back to the crowd. He is standing in a spot, laughing at the crowd and blowing kisses to a girl. He looks towards me and smirks a little. He mouths to me,
'This song. You later.'

I can feel my cheeks heat up and I giggle and start singing the song. About a minute into the song later Louis runs up the ramp, trying to amuse the fans as always and just being his adorable self. I watch him carefully and he sits at the top, crossing his legs. Fans start screaming to Louis to come down and he smiles his cute, toothy smile.
Louis shrugs like a little kid and starts running down the ramp again. At that moment I am hit in the head with a rubber ball. It didn't hurt but it makes me laugh when I see the girl yelling apologies over and over. I shrug as if it is no big deal and grab my water bottle. I throw some water on her which makes her laugh and scream in excitement. I was currently laughing my arse off when the crowd fell dead silent and I could hear a familiar cry. I swallow and turn. My eyes are met with my boyfriend lying on the stage floor, crying out in pain and agony. Liam takes his mic and Louis lays on the floor, his leg bent behind him. I feel sick as I am frozen in place. I run towards Louis and fall by his side. Security guards and paramedics are rushed on stage and stage crew starts taking our mics and Niall's guitar.

"H-Harry," Louis breathes, his shirt clinging to his Chest from sweat. I grab his trembling hand but I feel a hand on my shoulder, grab my shirt, and pull me to my feet.

"Harry, we don't need this and you two coming out right now. Get your ass away." Clark, one of our managers, spits at me.

"Don't touch me!" I try to kneel by Louis again where paramedics are trying to get him on a stretcher.

"Don't go near him! You can look concerned like all the other boys, but you keep a good distance and don't fucking touch him."

"You don't expect me to listen to you right?"  I glare, clenching my fists.

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