Larry: Louis is sick Harry doesnt believe him

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Harrys POV

I sat at the counter with my phone and my coffee. I looked at the time. 9:38. Shoot. Louis and I have to be at the studio at ten. I quickly finish my cup of coffee, plug in my phone and head upstairs to wake louis and get dressed. Why isn't louis up though? He's usually up a few minutes after me.

I walk into the room and see my lovely boyfriend sleeping soundly in the bed. I wish I could climb in with him and we could snuggle all day. But there's always time for that after we get home. I go over to louis and bend down and kiss his cheek. He stirs and blinks open his eyes.

"Morning baby." I whisper.

"Mmm." He hums.

"Listen I know you want to sleep in but we have to be in the studio early today." I explain going over to my dresser. "Oh and we're running pretty late." I add.

"Harry.. I don't feel good." He whimpers.

I smile. "Yea yea Louis. Seriously get up."

"I'm serious Haz. My tummy hurts." He says and buries deeper in the covers.

"Come on Louis. I know you don't want to go in, but we have to go. You want the album to be released in time right?" I was starting to get annoyed. I realized Lou didn't want to go in but this is getting ridiculous. He needs to get up.

"Mmm." Louis groans.

"Louis you are going to the studio. You can keep the act up for as long as you want but you are going!" I sternly said. Louis slowly got out of bed rubbing his stomach. I rolled my eyes at the gesture. He shuffled his feet to the bathroom to get ready.

"Hurry Louis! We're running late!" I yell.

"I know! Just shut up! I have a headache." He yells from the bathroom.

I roll my eyes again. Rude much. I understand he's annoyed about going to the freaking studio but still. It gives no reason for him to be so bitchy. A few minutes he comes out of the bathroom. I have to admit he looks a little pale and sweaty but it's nothing.

"Ready to go?" I ask. I grab my keys and start walking towards the door.

"Sure." Louis murmurs. We both leave and get in the car. Right when Louis closes the door, he buckles up and leans his head against the car against the cool glass of the car window.

"I know your bummed about going in but the sooner we get done the sooner we get to go home and do whatever we want." I say and glance over at him. I smirk and wink at him. He just turns away again and looks out the window. I sigh and look forward.


We get to the studio and Louis gets out and slams the door. He can't be mad forever. He's acting like a big baby. I sigh and get out of the car. We walk in.

"Boys your late." One of our managers told us.

"I know. Sorry."

"It's fine. Just get in there." He said patting my back. I give him a nod and follow Louis. We walk in and put our headphones on. Louis puts his fist over his mouth and let's out a burp. He gives the guys a thumbs up and we start recording one of our new songs.

We were in the middle of the chorus when Louis puts hand up. I look over at him and he puts his hand over his mouth. He shoves past me and runs out of the booth. I follow him, but I lose him after a while.
I see an intern walking past me.

"Hey. Did you see where Louis went?" I ask quickly.

"Um well he turned left towards the equipment and the restrooms." He tells me.

"Thanks." I say and jog towards the direction.
I barge into the bathrooms and hear retching coming from a stall.


"In... Here.." I hear a faint voice from the nearest stall.

I kick open the stall breaking the lock.

"Louis!" I see Louis puking into the toilet when I kick open the stall.
"I'm so so sorry. I should've listened to you." I say to him rubbing his back. After he's down I pick him up bridal style and carry him out to the car. I put him in the back seat where he could lay down.

I drive home glancing in the rearview mirror every few seconds to check on Louis. He laid there with his eyes closed, emotionless. We arrived home and I carried him upstairs into bed.

"Harry.. Lay with me..." Louis weakly says.

"Of course." I whisper. I get under the covers and cuddle close to him. I put my arms around him and he puts his head on my chest.

"I'm.. Im so sorry Lou. I should've listened to you."

"Shh. I just want to sleep. It's okay." He whispers and nuzzles into my chest.

"I love you." I say and kiss his head.

"Mm.." He hums like he does and than we both drift off to sleep.

This was a request. Hope Ya liked it! Always request and message me when Ya like it!

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