Liam car sick

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Zac: 17
Jack: 12
Nick: 8

"Dad, we are running late. It's 9:34. We were supposed to be on this road like fifteen minutes ago!" Jack states.

"I'm sorry Jack. I'm going as fast as I can go." Liam says.

"Relax Jack. We will get to your soccer convention on time." You tell your son.

"It's not a convention mom. It's the biggest thing of the year! I'll meet all my teams and I'll get to meet my soccer friends from online here! And at the end of the day all the teams go head to head to win the trophy!" He says excitedly.

You smile at the enthusiastic boy.

"Mom, why did I have to go?" Zac groans.

"Because it's a family road trip and your a part of the family."

"Unfortunately," he mutters under his breathe.

"What does unfortunately mean?" Nick asks. You glare at Zac.

Liam breathes out and you look at him. He's lightly rubbing his stomach.
"You okay Liam?"

"I'm starting to feel queasy. Must be the driving. I didn't get much sleep last night either."

You nod.
"I can drive. I'm not going anything. It's not safe driving when your so tired anyway."

He doesn't protest or object which is weird for him. He usually puts up a fight. You switch seats and get back on the road.

"Now we're running even more late!"

"Oh my god! Nobody cares about this but you anyway Jack! We will get to your stupid convention." Zac exclaims.

"Zac, knock it off!" You sternly tell him off.

"Your just mad because you couldn't hand out with yucky Sami all weekend."

"Don't talk about my girlfriend! Your just jealous because you can't get one!"

"Both of your shut your mouths!" You sternly exclaim.

"Your father is tired and wants to rest. Both of you apologize to each other. Than I don't want to hear a word out of you for the next thirty minutes!"

They mutter apologies to each other.
"Jack we will get there on time. Why did you have to be born with Liam's punctuality?" You mutter.

You drive down the road for a bit until Liam grips the handle on the door.
You just pulled into a gas station to get gas.

"Hey bub."

"Where are we?" He says looking pale.

"A pit stop. I needed to fill the tank. You doing okay?"

He shakes his head and jumps out of the car. He runs over to the metal trash can and starts gagging. You stand there surprised but than walk over to the comfort him. You rub his back and grab his water from the cup holder. He tries to take some sips but he can't keep the water down. After he finishes he apologizes.

"I'm sorry baby. The road made me really sick."

"Hey no problem. The important thing is that your okay. Let's go."
You two get in the car.

"Dad, are you okay?" Zac asks.

"Yea, sorry you had to see that."

"It's okay. I'm just glad your okay."

You all make it to Jacks soccer on time. You were just happy to be off the road with your three boys.

Sorry this was horrid! So yea I'm going to good ol Mexico tomorrow! Feel free to message me or do whatever! I'll try and update you tomorrow on my whereabouts!
Love ya girlies!

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