Freaking Out

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*This is not important! It's just what happened to me at 12:30 am Saturday morning. :)*

Okay my lovely ladies and gents! I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend! So, on Friday Rob Thomas was performing at the Peabody opera house in St. Louis. My mom and I listened to him ever since I was two years old. I grew up on him and I literally know every song. My dad and mom surprised me with tickets to see him. My mom and I were going together. He had to cancel his show and then reschedule because his wife, Mari who I love so much, has a brain tumor.

So Friday night was the rescheduled date. We went, and the tour buses were literally parked right in front and on the left side. His tour bus was right there. I made a sign, so my mom and I stood outside the tour bus for two and a half hours before the show in case he came out of the bus or out of the building. His manager came out to me and said,

"Come back out here after the show and show him your sign."

Well, we went to the show which was absolutely amazing. My seats were so close and it was just perfect. My mom and I left before the last song because usually Rob just books it out to the tour bus after the last song and we didn't want to miss him. We were the first people there so we got the best spot right by the door on his tour bus and in front. We stood there for another hour and a half. A bigger crowd came. I'd say it was about twenty to twenty five people.
His bus driver came out and gave me a guitar pick. He said that Rob might not be able to come out. I knew he was trying to get rid of people so my mom and I still stood there. Next they came out with free t shirts that Rob and the gang made themselves. They also gave me one of those because they knew I was standing there for so long.

Keep in mind, there are no thirteen year old fans like me. His fan group ranges from 30-45 year old woman and men.

The crowd kinda thinned out. They also tweeted that Rob could not come out. We still waited. Finally Rob came out with his manager and his wife. They were hand in hand and they were just so cute. My mom and I yelled to him to read the sign and his wife actually pointed at me. He was trying to read it but they pushed him on the bus. Five seconds later he came out and started to sign people's stuff. He was at the far end of the gate and I was already crying, knowing that I was going to meet my idol.
Once he got to me he didn't look at me at first. He signed my sign and I knew I had to say something, anything. I said,

"I love you."

Please keep in mind that I was sobbing, so I sounded like a dying cat while I said this. I instantly thought, you blew it. You sounded so ugly.
He was about to look up at me but we both dropped my sign. He picked it up for me and he looked up at me. He immediately gave me this shocked expression.

"Are you okay!? What's your name? It's okay sweetie."
He then hugged me and I started crying harder.

"I've been waiting my whole life to meet you." I said to him, through sobs.

"What's your name?"

"My names Grace."

He couldn't understand me at all.

He turns to my mom and said what's her name?

"What's your name?"

"It's Grace."

"It's Grace?"

I nodded.

"How old are you? How old is she? How old are you?"

He put his hand on my arm.

"I'm thirteen."

"Your thirteen?"
He turned to my mom.
"She's thirteen?"
"Your thirteen and your a fan?"

I nodded and laughed a little.

"Well, grace. Since your thirteen I'm going to use some language you probably shouldn't know. I fucking love you Grace." He then engulfed me into another hug.
I told him I heard all the language inside. As we were hugging he was saying things in my ear and I said into his ear I loved him. He kept saying I was so sweet and he loved me so much. He thanked me and my mom, and told my mom I was so sweet. As he went to the next person, I turned around, crying uncontrollably. Middle aged woman ran up to me and started hugging me. They said they were so happy I got my dream and congratulated me. There were only about five people there once he was almost done. He yelled thank you once he was walking to the bus. I yelled thank you and I love you to him once again. I called my friends and my dad sobbing.
I was crying walking back to the car.

I couldn't believe it. I still can't. I have a short video. I couldn't get everything but I did get the part where he said he "fucking love you" and hugged me.

I might post it on my YouTube Channel and if I do I will put the link somewhere here.

Thanks for reading if you did!
It was such an amazing night!
I had to share!

Thank you!

Link to video up there!  There's another two second video too!  Just look on my channel!

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