Liam: Stomach Flu

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I was bored and feeling Liam so I put something together! Hope Ya like it!

"Hi y/n! We're going to be late!" You hear Liam shout from downstairs. You and him were going to your parents house for a Get together. You were going to have a little party with them and with some of your friends and family. You grab your phone and headed downstairs. You heard Liam shout again and shook your head. Liam was the best boyfriend but he was always worried about being late and being functional.

"Okay le-.. Who Li. You okay?" You ask when you notice he sweaty pale complexion.

"What? Oh yea I'm fine. Just hot in here." He says. You let your worry fade away. Liam opens the door for you and you exit. You open the passenger door but than look over the car at Liam.

"Li? Your sure your okay?" You ask raising a eyebrow.

"Yea. Don't worry about it babe. I'm
Perfectly fine." He says putting a hand on his stomach. You look down at his hand and he puts it down quickly.

"Okay." You say getting in. You quickly forgot about his suspicious behavior and started talking about tonight. You were so excited. You got there quickly surprisingly. Liam was driving really slow. Before getting out of the car you sigh and look over at Liam. He looks down grabbing the bottle of wine you guys brought.

"Liam. Tell me. Are you okay? Do you feel okay?" You ask sternly.

"Yes y/n. I am absolutely fine. Now let's go in and enjoy the party." He says and gets out of the car. You roll your eyes and get out of the car. You open the door.

"Hey everyone! Now the party can start!" You yell holding a beer bottle up. You weren't a big drinker, but you had one or two on the weekends.

Heys came from friends and family and you hug them and laugh with them.

"Soo this must be Liam." One of your life long friends says.

"Oh yea." You say.

"Hi. I'm Liam. The boyfriend. And you are?"

"Available. Have any friends?" She asks elbowing him lightly in the stomach. He winces and excuses himself.

"Did I do something wrong?" She asks.

"No no. I don't know what's up with him. Your fine. I'm going to check on him though." You say. You go in the direction he headed. You go into the kitchen. Liam's sitting at the counter. He was slowly sipping a glass of water.

"Liam?" You ask going over to him.

"Sorry. I just got.. Overwhelmed."

"Li. You perform thousands of performances in front of thousands of girls. You pass through over whelming crowds and have to hide out in stores." You explain.

"Okay you caught me. Im just feeling a little bit under the weather. Nothing to bad." Liam tells you and than puts a fist over his mouth and let's out a sickly burp.

"Li. Shit! Why didn't you tell me?!" You scold him quietly. You didn't want the people Hearing.

"I I didn't want to ruin your night." He whimpers.

"You wouldn't have. I feel terrible though. I knew something was up." You roll your eyes and sigh.

"I'm so sorry." Liam cries out.

"Hey hey. It's not your fault. It's okay. Let's just got home, yeah?" You say rubbing his shoulder.

He nods slightly and you grab his hand.

"Hey we're going to go. We have some.. Other plans." You say to your mother and some friends around you.

"Oh. Oh! Okay. Use protection. I mean have fun!" Your mom stutters out and your friends around you wink and giggle.

"Mom! Oh my god. That's not exactly what I meant." You say laughing.

"Oh okay. Love you!"

You say bye to everyone of almost everyone and leave the house. When Liam gets in drivers seat you glare at him.

"What?" He asks.

You raise your eyebrow. "You've obviously got a tummy bug. Li get in the passenger seat." After a 3 minute argument he finally agrees.

You get in the drivers seat and looked over at Liam. He closed his eyes and leaned back against the seat. You put your hand on his leg.

He groaned and you quickly pulled away. "Sorry did I hurt you?" You ask him biting your lip.

"No no. Sorry. My stomach just hurts." He groans again.

"I'm sorry you feel so poorly, but I really wish you told me. It would've been easier on you." You explain. You

"Yea I just need to get out of this car." Liam stutters and practically jumps out of the car when you pull in the driveway. He stumbles inside. You run after him and see him hunched over in the living room vomiting.

"Oh my god. Liam." You say running over to him. You crouched down next to him. You pulled his short up and rubbed his bare back. He coughed and heaved.

"I'm- I'm... Sorry." Liam stammers.

"Shh. Baby your okay. It's okay. You can't help it babe. Your not well." You say to him. You support him and bring him upstairs. You lay him on the bed while you start a shower for him. You helped him in the shower and than went downstairs to clean up the mess. You went to the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle, a sick bowl, and some stomach relaxers. You go upstairs and Liam is holding his stomach in bed. His wet fluffy hair over his eyes.

"Aww Li. You okay?" You ask setting the stuff down. He just shakes his head and whimpers slightly. He sits up.

"Y/n my stomach hurts." He whimpers.

"Do you feel like your going to get sick?" You ask stroking the hair out of his eyes.
He looked up at you with sad eyes and than put his arm over his mouth and dry heaved. You grabbed the bowl of the bed side table and put it in his lap.

"Liam. It's okay. Just let it out."

Liam swallowed and his stomach let out a gurgling sound. You rubbed his bare back.
He spit in the bowl and than gagged. He than poured everything out of His system in the bowl. After a half an hour of dry heaving he stopped and you took the bowl and cleaned it out.

"Liam you must've gotten a bad stomach bug." You explain putting the bowl by him. He groans in response.

"Honey. Why are you only in shorts? Your shivering." You ask grabbing sweatpants and a hoodie.

"No.. I can take care of myself. I'm.. Im.... O.. Kay." Liam stutters.

You roll your eyes at your sick boyfriend. "I don't mind taking care of you. I love you." You say than give him a kiss on the head. You slide the hoodie over him and get him in his sweatpants.

"Can we sleep?" Liam whines to you.

You smile sympathetically at him. "Of course." You whisper. You get in bed with him and put your head on his chest.

"Night lovely." He whispers to you with his eyes closed.

"Goodnight." You whisper back.

Sorry I haven't been updating! I was super busy and I have writers block so it took a while! Please request and thank you so so so much for almost 3k reads! That's crazy! If you want a party two to this please comment and/or vote! Thank you! Love Ya!

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