Car sick Harry

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Jason: 17
Darcy: 6

He gets carsick while on a road trip with your kids.

Harry has always gotten carsick on long car rides. You kept a bucket in the back seat of the car just in case.

"Are we at grandmas yet?" Darcy exclaims.

"No honey. How about you play one of your games on the iPad." You hand her the iPad and look over at Harry. He was curled up with his head resting on the window.
You put his hand on his thigh and rubbed it a little.

"Baby, we're almost there. How are you doing?"

He shrugs and picks his water bottle up from the cup holder. He slowly takes a few sips.

"Not doing so good, huh?"

He shakes his head and closes his eyes.
"Jason, could you hand the bucket up here?"

Jason takes out his headphones and nods.
"Is dad okay?" He asks.

"Yea. He's getting a little carsick."

"Daddy, do you want a toffee? Those always make me feel better."
Darcy asks holding the sweet up.

Harry covers his mouth.
"No thanks sweetie." He mumbles quietly.
He picks up the bucket and sets it in his lap. You look around for a place to pull over. You finally find a place on a quiet road. You pull over and Harry looks into the bucket. Jason sits up more in his seat, ready to help if Harry needs it.
Harry heaves into the bucket and releases his stomach.

"Ah!" Darcy covers her eyes.

"Babe, think we can go outside? Darcy isn't handling it to well." You whispers to the sick boy.
He nods and leaves the car. You run over to him once you get out of the car. He throws the bucket aside and crouches down. He releases more sick on the pavement.
"Shit, my shoes."

You smile sympathetically and rub his back.

"Sorry baby." He croaks.

"There's nothing to be sorry about."

"Is Darcy okay? I didn't mean to freak her out."

"You didn't. She's fine. Are you okay to get back in the car?"

He nods and wipes his mouth. You pour out the bucket and just decide to leave it on the side of the road.

You get in the car and Darcy is in Harry's lap in the front seat.

"Are you okay daddy?"

"I'm fine. My tummy felt a little icky."

"You scared me daddy. I didn't know if you were going to be okay."

"I'm perfect." He kisses her on the head and she nuzzles into him. Since your so close to your parents you let her stay there. Not even five minutes later the two are sleeping. At a red light you take their picture and set it as your home screen.

Jason clears his throat.
"What am I? Chopped liver?" He asks, smiling.

"You were adopted." You laugh.
He laughs.

You finally get to your parents house, hoping that the drive home will be better.

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