Plane sick: Louis and Niall

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Louis POV

I woke up this morning in the hotel room. I look over to the other bed to see Liam already up and packed.

"Liam. Relax. We have like 5 hours till the flight.

"Louis. We can't miss this flight. We have to be in Chicago tonight. We have to get on the plane and than right to the venue. If we miss the flight than we won't make it to our own concert."

"You think Paul would let that happen?" I raise an eyebrow at him and he chuckles.

Y/n than comes in the door. Nialls girlfriend.

"Hey. Paul says you have to be ready in 30 minutes. They got an earlier flight." She explains. "Oh and louis dont forget to take you meds so you don't get airsick."

"Got it y/n. Thanks." I say smiling at her. She leaves and Liam turns towards me.

"See it's good to be prepared." I picked up my pillow and threw it at him.

Nialls POV

I'm ready for this flight! I usually get airsickness really bad but with y/n here i know I'll be fine. And the doctor said I most likely grew out of it. I zipped my luggage.

"Y/n do we have everything?" I ask.

"I think so. Make sure."

I get out the list and read over it.

"Toothbrushes." I say.




"Um.. Chargers, phone, wallets."

"Check check and check."


"Che- wait.."

I smile and give her a peck on the lips. She smiles and we take each other's hand and walk down the hall.
All the other boys come out and we get in the van. We all goof around and sing to the radio. It was so much fun. I wasn't even nervous for this plane ride.

When we got to the airport we sent our luggage off and went to our terminal. We were there pretty early so we had a good hour. A few fans came up to us and asked if they could get a picture or an autograph. We were happy to do it. After they took pictures with us they wanted pictures with y/n too. So we took those pictures and than it was time to board.

We got our seats. I sat by the window and y/n sat in the middle. Louis sat by the aisle.

"Ni? You going to be okay for this flight?" Y/n asks me.

"Of course. The doc said I most likely grew out of it and you're here." I told her and held her hand. She smiled.

"Oh boy." Louis said.

"Whats wrong louis?" Y/n asks. I turn my head.

"I forgot to take my medicine."

"Louis!" I exclaimed. Y/n face palmed.

"I'll be fine guys." He says. I look at him questionably.

"Trust me. I'll just sleep through the flight."

"Well Lou, if you need anything tell me." Y/n says and touches his hand. A surge of jealously comes through me. Louis might be dating Elenor but I saw him sneak a few glances at y/n. Not to mention he flirts with her all the time.

"Thanks y/n. Your the best." He says and smiles.

She smiles at him and than leans into me. I feel a hint of relief. I know y/n and Louis would never become a thing but I still get jealous. The pilot than says something over the intercom.

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