Thanksgiving Tummy Aches

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Your PoV

I smile as I glance into the mirror, making sure my hair is in a nice looking bun and my white scarf is sitting straight on my maroon sweater. I can hear Niall rustling in the kitchen, preparing the ingredients needed to make the feast for today. Thanksgiving was Niall's favorite holiday, besides Christmas. Not only did he love the food, but he loved gathering around the table with all the guests and eating, sharing memories. And oh boy did the Horans have a full house. Of course my parents and Niall's parents were coming, but also the boys.  Not to mention siblings and kids.

Yes sir, today was going to be great! Carson comes running into the room, giggling his tie wrapped around his head and not his shirt. I laugh, bending down to scoop my little boy up. Kailee comes running in than, her sparkly skirt flowing, and her curly dirty blond hair back with a headband.

"Hello beautiful!" I kiss her cheek and she smiles, her cheeks turning red. She was so adorable. I set Carson down on the bed as he jumps up and down, excited.

I pull his tie down and tie it nice and neat for him. He giggles and jumps down from the bed.

"I can't wait to see Uncle Louis mama! Do you think he will want to play football?" My three year old giggles, with his high pitched Irish accent.

"Maybe sweetie! He is going to be busy helping daddy in the kitchen though. Maybe you can help." The guys always help out in the kitchen. They cook the turkey, mash, casserole, really everything. They love doing it and then leave the mess of the kitchen for the ladies to clean up after dinner! We never mind though. It's the least we could do for the meal. The doorbell rings and Carson and Kailee bolt down the steps. I follow in suit, smiling. I open the door to find myself face to face with my parents as well as Niall's parents. I smile happily, engulfing them all in hugs. Everyone has busy schedules these days, so it's rare when we get to see everyone. Times are flying by and not getting easier as well.

"Hello lovely!  Oh how we have missed you!"  Maura and Bobby embrace me tenderly and walk inside.

"Love how are you?!" My dad embraces me and then my mom. I kiss them each on the cheek. Afterwards Greg walks in.

"Aye y/n! So nice to see you again dear!" He engulfs me in a hug and I smile as he squeezes, crushing me. Greg still has his arms around me as the grandparents hug the kids and Niall walks in.

Niall smiles as he gives hugs and kisses to everyone,
"Greg, can you let go of my wife now?" He chuckles and Greg shakes his hand, greeting him. They give each other a slight hug and then Greg greets the kids.

Our parents get settled in the lounge and Greg follows Niall to the kitchen. I walk behind them as they make small talk. I walk into the kitchen and amazing smells overwhelm me.

"You don't look to good Niall." Greg slaps his back causing Niall to grunt in response.

"What do you expect? I've been working over a hot stove to feed your fat arse." Niall giggles a little and Greg puts him in a headlock. I lean against the counter, laughing at the two boys. Now that he mentions it, Niall does seem awfully quiet. Niall doesn't shut up, especially on days like today. His usual rosy cheeks are replaced by pale tints. I kiss Niall's cheek before going to the door once the doorbell rings again.  I take his hand which is awfully clammy and sweaty and walk towards the door.

Harry enters with his wife and Darcy and Jason.  They're all smiling hugely.

"Hi you guys!" Everyone does the hugging and kissing routine once again. I pick little Darcy up and she gives me a sloppy kiss on the cheek and
I return the favor.

1D: Sick FicsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora