All the Boys Are Sick

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I did one of these in the past but I never really was happy with it.  So here's a new one.

You feel the bed shift, and you open your eyes, expecting the morning light to shine in your room.  But when you opened your eyes, you found that it was still dark.  You roll over in the bed, and notice that your curly haired boyfriend was nowhere to be found. 
You get out of the bed, and walk towards the hallway.  The bathroom light shines through under the door.  You knock on it quietly, not wanting to wake anyone else. 

You don't get a response,  so you walk in.  Harry was gripping the toilet, rocking back and forth, and coughing into the basin. 

"Harry, you okay?" 

He looks up at you, his complexion pale, his eyes glossed over.  He continues to rock, and now gets on his knees.  You've been with Harry long enough to know when he's going to be sick.  And it was written all over his face. 
He dry retches into the loo and waves his hand in the air, meaning go away.  You shake your head and sit by him, cross legged on the floor.  You wipe the curls that are sticking to his sweaty forehead out of the way. 
Harry heaves, and sick travels out of his mouth and into the toilet, with a splash.  Harry coughs, as you rub long vertical lines up and down his back.  The bathroom door slams open, and Louis runs to the toilet with a fist over his mouth.


He looks around frantically.  He pulls the shower curtain back in the bathtub and leans over, emptying the contents of his stomach.

"Louis,"  You coo, feeling bad for the two ill boys.  You lean over by Louis, who's doubled over the bathtub, still letting out sick.  You rub his arm softly, glancing at Harry a few times.

"What's all the noise!? I have such a bad, oh my god what's that smell!?" Niall has his hand over his nose and mouth, his eyes are half closed.
Harry responds with a cough and Louis releases more sick into the tub.

"Ugh," You groan, wondering where Liam is.

"You guys are gonna make me puke." Niall walks out of the bathroom. You hear him go down the steps.

Liam comes in, leaning against the doorway.

"Harry, I need the toilet." Louis gags.

"Use the sink!" Harry yells, his eyes squeezed shut.

Louis stumbles up, still coughing. He leans over the sink and heaves.

"Liam! I need a little help here!"

Liam holds his finger up and puts his other hand on his stomach. Liam quickly shoves past you, Louis, and Harry and leans over the tub. He instantly releases bile into the tub.

"Shit, not you too!"  
"Niall, get your Irish ass up here!" You yell.

Harry finishes and leans against you. You wrap your arms around him and he shuts his eyes. He has a frown drawn on his face and his eyebrows are furrowed. You kiss his warm forehead. Niall sluggishly walks up the steps, his face pale, his eyes glossed over.

"Please tell me you're not-"

"I'm sick." He coughs into his arm, and puts a thermometer under his tongue.

"What got you all so sick?!"

"Not so loud." Niall moans, rubbing his head.

"We ate at that new place down the road."  Liam whimpers, supporting his head on him arm, still leaning over the bathtub.

"I'm going to have to clean that,"  You whimper under your breath.

"It couldn't have been that taco place.  That food was perfect,"  Harry sits up and leans over the toilet again.

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