Liam: Stomach Flu Part 2

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You look out the window. You were in bed with Liam. You didn't get much sleep though because you were up half of the night with Liam. You noticed it was dark outside still. You groaned Mentally. It was probably 3 in the morning, but you were so comfortable to even move your neck to see the time. You got startled by the sound of Liam picking up the sick bowl. You looked over at him and sat up.

"Li?" You ask groggily. He answers you with a dry heave.

You rub his back and whisper soothing things in his ear.

"Calm down. You'll be fine. Just let it out." You whispered to him. You frowned at Liam. What was your strong boyfriend is now a frail weak boy who needs help. It upset you.

"Y/n, it's cold in here." Liam whimpers to you.

"Babe, we have all the blankets on us." You said smiling sympathetically at him.
He groaned and you thought about any solutions.

"We could go downstairs on the couch and I could light a fire. Or I can draw you a warm bath." You offer.

"Both?" He mutters.
You smile slightly.

"Sure bub." You rubbed his shoulder and got out of bed. You went to the bathroom and started the water. Once you felt it was warm enough you plugged the tub and let it fill up. You went to the bed and helped poor Liam up. You helped him get undressed and in the bath.

"You know I would say something about this, but I feel like shit, so in not going to." He says weakly. You smile. You get him situated and go downstairs. You make a cozy bed type thing on the couch and put some logs in the fireplace. You lit a match and set the logs on fire. You looked at the clock on the wall. You yawned. 3:48. You stood up and walked back upstairs.

Liam was out of the tub with a towel wrapped around his waist. You went to the drawers and got him boxers, sweatpants, a hoodie, and socks. You let him get dressed than you held his hand and helped him down the stairs. You laid him down on the warm couch by the fire and you laid down next to him covering you both up.

"Better Li?" You ask stroking his hair.

"Mmm." He agrees nuzzling into you with his eyes closed.
You kissed his forehead and drifted off to sleep.

2 days later Liam was back to normal being his protective on time self.

Thanks so much lovelies! For everything! Love you!

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