Louis; Really Sick (Sad)

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I did a Liam, Niall, and Harry sad fic, but not Louis. This one will be a bit different because I am writing a portion of it in third person. It will also be different because y/n isn't in this one. It's going to be the boys.

Italics are Louis' dream.

Liam and Louis share a flat together in this story, but Niall and Harry were in the area due to work that needed to be done.

Louis' PoV

I run through what looks like a warehouse, not sure what or who I'm running from. I just know I have to run or everything around me will collapse into a pile of dust and ashes. The ground beneath me shakes, almost causing me to fall and hit my head on some high metal shelves that almost reach the ceiling. I continue to run, now hearing the walls shaking around me. I bend over, sweat dripping down my face. My heart was beating a mile a minute as I try to catch my breath. At the point it seems impossible to make it, impossible to keep going, impossible to live. I sit down on the disgusting warehouse floor. The building shakes and starts collapsing around me. I have no motivation or energy to get up. I look up at the ceiling as material starts falling around me. I can feel sharp pains going throughout my entire body and soon everything turns dark.

I bolt upright in bed, my shirt clinging to my sweaty chest. I stand up from the bed, the room spins and I lean on my bedside table, knocking the lamp off. I hear a smash, but it sounds distant as sharp pains shoot through my stomach. I can hear my door slam against the wall and see a figure walk in. My vision is blurry as I try to take in the figure leaning over me. I feel a hand on my shoulder as I sink onto my knees, looking up at the man.

"Louis?" A distant voice calls my name, as my stomach lurches. My mouth tastes like pennies and the tan carpet is now a crimson coloring in the spot I was leaning over. I wipe my mouth with my shirt and see my shirt now soaked with blood. I hear many voiced around me as I cough, sending more blood onto the carpet.

"We need an ambulance!" I can hear a voice that sounds like Liam. I hold a shaky hand out and I feel someone grab it, squeezing it. My wrists soon go limp along with the rest of my body and I fall onto the carpet. The figures around me disappear and their voices go mute.


When I open my eyes, I am in bed. At least I thought for a second. The bed is rolling down a hall with bright fluorescent lights. I squint, the lights to bright for my watering eyes. I lift my heavy head up and can see some women in scrubs holding Liam, Niall, and Harry back, restraining them from following me.

"Huh?" My throat is sore when I speak and a man looks down at me.

"Put your head down Mr. Tomlinson. We are going to do everything we can to get you going again. Just please, keep your head down. You could have injured your neck, head, or spine."

Another nurse brings my head back down on the pillow and I can feel a sharp pinch in my arm. even though I shouldn't, I turn my head to see a woman injecting me with a clear fluid.

"Louis, keep your head straight. You are going to feel very sleepy in about ten seconds. Don't fight it, okay?"

I mumble something that seems like, 'Yes,' but I am not quite sure if I said it or not. The bright room seems to dim as my eyelids become to heavy.


Third Person PoV

Liam paces the waiting room of the hospital as Harry looks at him with red eyes.

"He was perfectly fine today right? Nothing was wrong. We were just laughing and goofing off before he went to bed." Liam states the facts as Harry starts crying once again, burying his head in his hands. The curly haired boy couldn't get the scene of his best friend, vomiting blood and seizuring out of his head.

1D: Sick FicsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora