Happy New Year!

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I managed to put one together :)
This one is a little different.
Their in college.
Louis is a year or two older.  (You decide)

Harry's PoV

I spin around on my desk chair, tapping my pencil on the wood of my desk. My phone starts vibrating and I groan before picking it up.

"Hi Harry! Happy New Years Harry!" My mom's cheery voice rang through the phone.

"Hey mum. You too."

"What are you doing tonight? Partying? Going out at all?"

"Mum, I'm staying in. Maybe working on some work to get it in early."

I can practically see her disappointment. I know she wants me to make the best of my college years, but I really want to make sure my life goes planned. I have big plans for my future.

"What about that roommate of yours? What is he doing?"

"Ed? Probably going to the big party tonight. Mum, him and I don't really talk." Ed was on the football team, was seen at almost every party, and was a total girl magnet. So, the total opposite of me.

"Go with him!"

"No way." I push my glasses higher on my nose.

She sighs,
"Fine. Happy New Year baby." She coos. I roll my eyes at the pet name from my mum, but smile a little.

"Love you." I hang up before going back to writing my paper for literature. The dorm door slams open and I groan again.

"Hey freshie." He mutters before walking over to his bed to grab a shirt that has been lying on it for days. If someone walked into our dorm room, they would be able to tell between his side and my side in a heartbeat. My bed was made, papers neatly tucked in folders, and my clothes folded in my drawers. But Ed's side was different. His blankets were scattered all over his side and I always had to throw them back on his bed. His dirty clothes never went in a washing machine, but on the floor. I swear there were more pizza boxes than at the pizza place down the street.

"Hi Ed."

"Are you coming to the frat house tonight for the huge New Year party?" He smirks, changing his shirt to the one that occupied his bed. I try to hide my disgust by saying,

"No. Staying in."

"Oh I see. You got a girl coming?" He chuckles.

I set my pen down and look up from my paper.

"No. I'm having a quiet New Year."

"Come on nerd. What's one party?"

"I don't know." I spin around in my chair.

"Come on. Loosen up. Bring in the New Year!" He throws his hands up. As much as I dislike Ed, I smile and look up at him.

"Fine, but could you drive me?"

"Definitely. Get your ass ready."

I cringe at his foul language but nod. I put my papers away in my folder as Ed lays down on his bed. Once my folders are by my other school things, I dig through my clothes and pick out a black shirt other than the old hoodie I was wearing at the moment. I put on my boots and stand up from the bed. I fix my long curls in the mirror that was on the wall by my bed.

"Come on princess. Your hair is fine. We're going to miss out on the huge beer pong game that all the chicks play. It is hot." Ed winks and I roll my eyes. He grabs his jacket before stepping out of the dorm room. I follow behind and close the door. The drive to the fraternity house was quiet other than the loud music that Ed was blaring on the radio. I was pretty nervous for this party.

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