Niall: He has to pick your child up from school

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Sami's Pov (16)

"Sami, get up! Your going to be late! Zac's coming to get you any minute!" I hear my dad yell. The volume of his voice makes my head pound, causing me to wince. I grab onto my sheets. My stomach whirled and I whimpered.

"I'm getting up!" I yell. I slowly get out of bed and stretch out my stiff bones. I slowly look in the mirror and grunt. I'm so pale, and have dark bags under my eyes. I was tossing and turning all night in bed. I grab my brush and throw my hair into a quick ponytail. I throw open my closet doors and grab white shirt with a black jacket. I grab my pair of light pink shorts and throw them on. I throw a pair of white sandals on and look at myself in the mirror. I look half decent. I don't bother doing my makeup, not feeling good at all. I slowly go down the steps, Carson following me. I grab his hand, so he doesn't fall down the steps.

"Icky!" Carson pulls his hand back, and wipes his hand on my shorts.

"Sorry Car. My hands a little sweaty." I mutter. We walk down the steps and I pick up Carson and put him in a chair at the kitchen table.

"Eat up buddy." My mom hands Carson some cherrios. He digs in.

"Hurry up Niall! You have to bring Kailee to school!" She yells.

I wince and rub my temples.
"Mom, please! You don't have to be so loud! Half the neighborhood can hear you!"

"Don't throw attitude with me! Your the one that woke up late, and now you have to rush! Your usually so good about getting up." She looks at me for the first time this morning.

"Sami, are you feeling okay? You look terrible."

"Gee thanks mom. I have to go." I check my phone.
I see a text from Zac.
"Zac's here. Love you."

Dad comes running down the steps. His belt, not done.
"Sami, you can't wake up late! We need your help in the mornings!"

"Whatever dad!" I was not in the mood for a lecture. I grab my bag and open the door.

"Don't talk to me like that Samantha!"

I walk out and slam the door behind me. My stomach whirled and I huffed. I climbed into Zac's car.

"Hey Sam." He kisses me on the cheek and pulls away.
"You feel warm." He cocks an eyebrow at me.

"I'm tired and grumpy. Do you think I'm in the mood?" I ask.

He smiles.
"I love you. Let's get going."

I lean my head back against the seat and close my eyes. Zac puts his hand on my thigh. The bumps in the road makes me feel like my stomachs in my throat. I groan a little and move in my seat, trying to get comfortable.

"You okay babe?" Zac looks at me.

I nod and look out the window. We pull into the school and I sigh.
I get out of the car, holding my stomach. Zac takes my hand and we walk into the school.

"Your here!" Skylar greets me at the door.
"Why are you late!?"

"I'm not that late."

"Whatever! Come on let's go!" She takes my hand and pulls me towards first hour.
Zac follows, carrying my bag. She sits me at my desk and I glare at her.

"What are you doing!?" I groan.

"We have a test today! We were supposed to meet me at the library early this morning, so we could study!" She pouts, and crosses her arms.

"Shit." I mumble and put my head in my hands.

Zac puts a gentle hand on my back.
"Sam, are you alright?"

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