Harry one shot

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"Y/n, hold my hand!" I yell playfully as we walk down the street.
"Of course Harry." Y/n laughs.
We swing our hands back and forth.
"This day is perfect." I fix my fedora a bit.

"It is." She takes the fedora from my head and puts it on herself. I smirk.

"It looks better on you."

"What do
What did you expect Harold?" She laughs.

"I love you." I kiss her nose and she grins.

"I love you too."

My stomach growls and she giggles.
"Hungry there?" She pokes my stomach.

"Hey, I missed breakfast!"

"Want to grab a burger? There's a restaurant a few stores ahead."

"Sounds good." We walk along and I could smell the burgers already. I was starving and I couldn't wait to eat.
We walk in and it's an old diner.

"I heard this place was good."

A waiter walks up to us, "What can I get you to drink?"

"Two waters."

"Okay, two waters. Do you two know what you want to eat, or should I give you time?

I look at her. "Well I'm ready."

"Me too."


"May I have the hotdog please?"

The waitress nods.

"May I have the burger and fries please?"


She leaves and I look at y/n. She's looking out the window of the diner.
"Why are you staring at me?" She turns her head, smiling.

"What? Do I have something on my face?"

"No, no." I shake my head and chuckle.

"Don't play games with me Styles." She playfully warns.

Our food comes and we dig in.

"This is so good." I say with a mouthful of burger.

She laughs at me, which makes me laugh too. She picks up a napkin and wipes the ketchup from the sound of my mouth, while she's still laughing.

I grab her free hand and hold it. She smiles at me.
We finish up and I put a twenty on the table and a five for the tip. I grab her hand and we walk to the car.

Before I get in the car I start feeling hot, and sickly.
I lean on the car door for balance.

"Harry, ready to go?" Y/n asks, looking concerned.

I take a deep breath and nod.
I get in and turn the keys. The vibration of the car makes my stomach turn and I wince.
Y/n puts her hand on mine but I pull away.

"Harry, are you okay?"

The nausea was taking over me and I breathed heavily trying to let it pass.
I shook my head and reached for her hand again. She took it and I squeezed it.

"Harry, your scaring me. Is everything alright?"

"I suddenly don't feel good."

"Get in the passengers seat. I'll take you home."

We switch seats, me being doubled over in the process. I get in the passengers seat and fall back against the seat. Y/n lifts up my shirt a bit and rubs my aching tummy. She outlines the inked butterfly, I love it when she does that. I groan.

"We're almost home baby."

I feel bile rise up my throat and I cover my mouth with a fist.

"Damn, can you make it Harry?"

I shake my head and sick comes spilling out of my mouth, seeping from my fingers.
I feel like my stomach is doing flips and I gag into my hand. Y/n pulls onto the side of the road and I leap out of the car. I pull my hand away and sick comes spilling out of my mouth, splattering onto the pavement. I heave again and more of my lunch comes up. Y/n rubs small circles on my back. I get sick often so she knows how I like it when I'm sick.

"I don't know what made you sick so fast."

I shut my eyes and lean against her. She supports me and gets me to the car. We finally drive home and I put both arms around my stomach. Y/n unlocks the door and I run to the bathroom and release my stomach once again.

"I'm calling your mom Harry. She'll know what's wrong babe."

I hear her a few minutes later talking to my mom, " Anne? Hey, Harry all of a sudden just got really sick and I don't know what's wrong Anne. His stomach is bothering him and he's being sick non stop."

I hear silence for a while.

"We went out to lunch. He got a burger. Are you serious? Shit. Pardon my language Anne." She chuckles a bit. "Thanks. Love you too."

She walks into the bathroom. "It looks like a bad case of food poisoning."

"So that means, no medicine?"

"Maybe a stomach relaxer, but nothing that can get prescribed for you."

I whimpered and started shaking.

"Aww baby, relax." She wraps her warm arms around me. She picks me up and we walk to the couch. My teeth were chattering from the cold. She lays by me and I wrap my arms around her.

"Baby, let me get you some medicine."

"No, no. Don't leave. Just stay here."

"Okay." She turns on a movie and we lay together in each others arms. She was playing with my curls and my head was on her stomach. My eyes were slowly closing.

"Night curly."

Sorry this wasn't the best! Happy Mother's Day to you all! Make sure you give her a big hug today!

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