Liam; Really Sick (Sad)

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"Why were you with her again, Liam!?"  I yell through the phone at my boyfriend.

"It's all a misunderstanding y/n!  I promise!  I'm done with her!"

"That's not what the tabloids say Liam!  Let me read this quote,
'We're getting to know each other again, and creating a relationship once again!'  Says Liam Payne!"  I yell, throwing the magazine down. 

"Y/n, I have to say that shit!"

"Whatever Liam!  I'm so done!  I hate worrying that my boyfriend will cheat on me every time he leaves the apartment!" 

"Y/n, wa-"

I hang up the phone and throw it down on the couch.  I needed time to cool down before I say anything I would regret later.  I sit on the couch and bury my head into my  hands.
Hot tears were rolling down my cheeks.  I can't take this anymore. I can't take feeling like Liam will get back with Sophia behind my back every Second of every day. I want to reach for my phone, call him back, and fix everything, but I  don't.  Im tired of fixing things in this relationship.  Ever since Liam broke up with her  he's been seeing her again, and I have  been deathly terrified of what may be happening behind closed doors.
I  couldn't do it anymore. My phone buzzes and I glance at it.
It was another text from him.  I turn the  phone off, not being able to deal with anything.  I slowly go up the stairs, feeling numb.  I lay in bed, pull the covers over my  head, and just sleep. Blocking out every noise, every memory, and every emotion.

In was woken up by my doorbell and a loud annoying knock at the  door.  I quickly get out of bed and run down the steps, secretly hoping it was Liam.  I open the door to see Niall.  His eyes red, dry tears on his face.  He shoves his way past me into the house.

"Niall, what the hell!?" 

"Where's your phone!?  Did it die!?  What happened!?"

He walks into the living room and picks up my  phone from the table.
"It's fucking off!?"

"Niall, what's wrong with you!?"

He turns on the phone and I snatch it from him.  I look at it and see text after text from Niall, Harry, and Louis and scroll down some more to find text after text, call after call from Liam.

"Niall, what's going on?"

Niall pulls at his blond hair.
"Liam, got into an accident."

My  heart drops.  Your knees buckle and you fall to the ground.  You look at the countless texts from him.

Please don't leave.
I love you so much.
Only you.
I want you.
I want your good days.  Your bad days.
I just want you. Your kisses.
Your hugs.
Your cuddles.

"He was texting me when it happened wasn't he?"
My eyes feel heavy and Niall covers his mouth with his hand and nods.

"Oh god. It's my fault." The tears start flowing heavily out of my eyes. My knees feel weak and I sit on the floor.
Niall kneels down by me and brings my small figure into his. He lays his head on top of mine, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"We should go to the hospital now."


It was still dark and rainy outside the car window. Niall was driving silently. He brought his hand towards the volume dial for the radio and turns it up. It was a news caster talking about a car accident. Liam's car accident. He quickly changed to another station and there it was again, and again, and again. He goes to turn it again, like its his goal, like he has to listen to some music to survive this. I grab his hand, set it on the wheel, and turn the volume down. We pull into the hospital and we run in. Niall says something quietly to the lady at the desk. She points to some chairs in the corner. Niall grabs my  arm and leads me to the chairs.

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