Niall One shot

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It's Easter and he's sick.

Niall's POV

"Im so excited to see the Carson and Kaliee's face when they see their Easter baskets." Y/n says and picks out some more candy.

"What about Sami's basket? She's 16. I don't think she's going to want little bubbles and candy."

"She'll want the candy. Trust me."
Y/n's phone starts ringing.

"Hey Sami. Is everything alright?"

There are mutters from the other side of the phone.

"Yea sure. You'll have to be sneaky about it though."

"We'll be home soon. We're just finishing some Easter bunny shopping. Okay. Love you too."
She hangs up the phone and looks at the Easter stuff again.

"What was that about?" I ask and pick up some jelly beans for myself.

"It was Sami. She wants to know if she can hide the eggs this year."

"She's growing up to fast."
I say and wrap my arms around y/n's waist.

"Tell that to her sneaking out to meet Zac."

"She's a teen. She'll make some mistakes. Zac's Liam's son so he's a good guy."

She looks in the cart and examines all we've got.

"I think we're good."

"I'd say. We have about 100 bucks in candy."

She smiles and grabs my hand.
"Let's go."


We get home and sneak all the Easter stuff inside into our closet.

Just as we hid the last bag Kaliee and Carson come running in.

"Mommy, Daddy! Is everything ready for the Easter bunny?"

"I think so. Are you ready to go to Grandma's tomorrow?"

"Yup!" Kaliee says in delight.

"How about you Car?" I ask my little man.

He holds his thumb up.
"Weady Daddy!"

"Alright!" I give him a high five and take his hand in mine.

"Let's get you a snack alright?"
He nods and Kaliee follows behind.

"I'll be up here cleaning!" I hear y/n exclaim. She'll really be setting up the baskets.

I get Carson and Kaliee a snack and let them eat at the table. Tomorrow is going to be great when I see my two loving kids see what they got from the Easter bunny.

"Daddy? Since the Easter bunny always leaves us candy, shouldn't we leave him some?"

"He not Santa." Carson says.

"I know but he must get hungry. We could leave him so carrots."

"That'd be nice Kaliee. I bet the Easter bunny would like that. You can leave him out some carrots tonight."

Carson nods. "Easter Bunny!" He exclaims.

I smile and ruffle his hair.

I rub my temples. I was starting to get a headache. I went to the medicine cabinet and took some tylenol.

"Sick dada?" Carson asks and eats some more of his goldfish.

"No Car. Im fine."

Sami comes running down. "Daddy, can I go see Zac?"

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