Larry: Harry gets nerves

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"Woo, Madison Square Garden tonight!" Louis runs in and sits next to me on the bus couch. Just the name of the place made me tense up. To tell you the truth, I was pretty nervous. It's a big deal. I went to concerts at Madison Square Garden, I never thought I'd be performing there. The idea of it was enough to make me lose my lunch.

"Yea, can't wait." I mutter.

"We're going to have a blast. The crowd is going to be crazy!"

"If only Zayn was here to share the experience." Liam chimes in before taking a swig of water.

"Well, he's missing out." Louis tries to smile, but you can tell he's hurt.

"It's going to be a great night." Niall says happily.


" Harry, love are you okay?" Lou was doing my hair and I've been silent ever since we got off the bus. Usually I'm very talkative and try to get to the fans to take a quick picture, but I've done neither.

"I'm fine, Lou."

"Ha, your a bad liar, sweetie."

Lux comes up to my chair and I bring her up to my lap. She smiles and puts her small hand on my nose. It makes me giggle a bit. "Harry braid my hair." She sits on my lap and I start attempting a braid.

"Tell me what's wrong Harry."

"Nothing is wrong Lou. I'm just excited and thinking of the big night."

"Okay. I think your Done."

"Thanks Lou."

"No problem. I have to start working on Liam now. God knows he needs it." That comment makes me smile.

"Harry, do you scared to sing in front of all those people?"

"I don't know Lux. It's nerve wracking, but I don't get scared about it."

"What's nerve wacking?"

"That's wracking, and it means it makes me nervous sometimes."


Louis comes over and kisses the top of my head.
"You look amazing."
I set Lux down and stand up.

"Thanks. You too."

"So you ready?!"

I look at the time. 5:58. No there can't only be an hour left. I start shaking a little.
"Well, I, um, sure."

"You okay? Your awfully tense."

"I'm fine. You should go put your shirt on."

"That's the first time I ever heard you say that." Louis chuckles.

"Well, you know."

He leaves and my stomach goes in knots. I suddenly don't feel good and I start sweating. My hands are so shaky, they look they're vibrating.
My stomach lurches and I gag into my arm. I rush past Lou who looks at me concerned, and I gently move Lux out of the way. I run to the bathroom and I lock the door behind me. I lean on the sink and take deep breathes trying to calm down. I gag again and sink down to the floor. I ran my fingers through my curls and than heard a knock on the door.

"Harry, love is that you?" I hear my sweet boyfriends voice behind the door.
"Are you alright? You looked quite pale."

"Yea." I croak.
I walk to the door and open it. Once I saw Louis' concerned look, I broke down. I collapsed into his arms.

"What's wrong Harry?"

"I'm so scared Lou. I feel so dizzy and my stomachs in knots."

"It's okay Harry." He leads me to a couch and we sit down.

"Harry there's not reason to be nervous. Your amazing. Your an amazing, talented, beautiful human being who has no reason whatsoever to be scared."

I gag again from all the crying and Louis puts a bucket under my chin. I shoo it off and snuggle deeper into him.

"Don't be nervous. You'll do great."

He kissed me on the cheek and I listened to the sound of his breathing.


"Five minutes guys."

Even after Louis' talk, I was shaking so much. I took my mic from a manager and held it in my hands. The mic was shaking along with my hands and Niall came up to me.

"Mate, you okay?"

I shake my head.

"Don't be scared. We all know you'll be amazing."

Louis intertwines my hand in his.
"You can do this Harry. I'll be right here."


And Louis didn't lie. He was by my side the whole night. He held my hand
during little things and squeezed it whenever he thought I was getting nervous.

"I love you." He whispered in my ear countless times throughout the whole show.
We exited the stage and I wiped the sweat off my face.

"You were so good Harry!" Lux ran up to me and I picked her up.

"Thanks girly!" She laughed and Louis hugged my waist.

"You did so great love."

I set Lux down and hugged Louis.
"Thank you." I connected our lips and we stayed there for a good minute.

"Okay, love birds that's enough. I'm starving!" Niall yelled.

Sorry this was so bad!

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