Your kid is sick: Louis

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"Mom, mom.." You hear a whisper at three in the morning. You flutter your eyes open to see your oldest, Cooper.

"What is it Coop? It's three in the morning." You groan.

"I always forget which medicine to take for a stomachache." He says lightly rubbing his stomach. You sit up and see a tired, bed headed Cooper.

"You don't feel good?"

He shakes his head.

"Come on."

You bring him downstairs and look through the medicine cabinet.

"Here we go." You hand him the medicine bottle and he pops two of the pills into his mouth. You hand him a glass of water and he takes slow sips.

"You should feel and look better in the morning." You smile a bit.

"Thanks mom."

"Don't worry about it. Now get to bed so you can play in that game tomorrow."

You both go back to bed, hoping he'll be okay in the morning.


"Mom, I don't want be late! This is my last soccer Game. The big one! We have to go!"

"Don't worry Coop." You reassure him.

"We'll make it on time Cooper." Louis shouts from the bathroom. You put your shorts on and are buttoning them when Louis comes out of the bathroom sliding on a shirt.

He waits for you to put on your shoes and than holds his hand out indicating to grab it. You smile and intertwine your hand in his. You guys make your way down the stairs when you see Cooper. He was pale, sweating, and his eyes were glossed over.

"Cooper," You let of Louis' hand and you run down the stairs with Louis behind you.
"Are you okay?" You put your hand up to his forehead.

He pulls your hand off.
"I'm fine. We need to go."

"Coop, you don't look to good. I think you should stay home. Do you feel okay?" Louis asks.

"I feel fine! We need to go! This is the big game! People from colleges are going to be here! I could get a scholarship if I play really good!"

"And you do play really good, but sweetie look at you. You didn't feel good last night either. I don't think this is a good idea." You put your hand on your hip.

"Can we please go?" Cooper sighs.

You shrug and grab the keys.
"I guess."


When you get to the game Cooper waves and runs off towards the field.
You sit down on the bleacher with Louis.

"Cooper didn't look to good Lou."

"I know. I know my oldest boy by heart. I can tell when he doesn't feel good."

"We can tell his coach. His coach would send him home and we wouldn't look like the bad guys." You shrug.

"If he says he can do it, he can do it."

The game starts and Cooper gets in his position. Left side defense.
He looks pale and tired. He lightly runs his stomach and every time he kicks the ball he winces.

"We have to get him out of there." Louis mutters rubbing his chin.

"Coach!" Cooper yells for the coach and makes a hand gesture. The coach sends a new guy out and Cooper runs in. As he's about to exit the field, he bends down emptying his stomach.
You stand up.

"Shit," Louis mutters and stands up with you. You both look at each other and run down the bleachers. You see the coach pick Cooper up and Cooper runs towards the bathrooms.

Louis grabs your hand and you both run towards the bathrooms. Once your there Louis barges into the boys bathroom and you nervously stand there biting your nails.

"Oh, screw it." You barge into the bathroom to see Louis and Cooper in a stall. Louis is rubbing his back while Cooper is bent over the toilet releasing his insides. Louis gags.

"Louis I got it." You kneel by Cooper and rub his back.

"Why are you always right?" Cooper says between heaves.

You shrug. "Habit, I guess." You smile.

After Cooper was done you help him up and Louis puts his arm around him.

"Let's go buddy. You played great by the way. I'm proud." Louis tries to make conversation.

"Thanks." Cooper says quietly.

You put him in the backseat with a plastic bag and hurry to drive home. Once you get home Louis helps Cooper get on the couch.

"I'm dying. Get me a pen and paper. I have to write my will. Everything's going to Manny, my ferret." Cooper says.

"Your so dramatic when your sick. Just like your father." You roll your eyes and cover Cooper up with a blanket.

"Thanks mom."

"Your welcome. Now get some sleep."

Sorry this was bad. :p

My grandmas coming out tomorrow! She lives in another state so I hardly get to see her so I may not post as much! Sorry!

I'm also really focused on Close your Eyes, so that's another reason I might not be on this story so much. But don't delete this book! Of course I'll still post!

I love you all to much to stop with this book!


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