02 : The Darn Feelings

Start from the beginning

In all of his years, he refused to fall in love, and yet he can't help himself. He fell for you.

Little did he know, you felt the same.


Ahhh, yes. Allen Jones—a bad boy with a deadly reputation and an equally dangerous bat that's been used as a pin cushion for nails. He's a heart breaker, a player, and straight out, a douchebag.

He continued to break heart after heart and paid no respect or care towards women at all. That is, until you came along.

Allen doesn't know just what shot through him ever since the two of you met, but he's never been this stubborn about something in the entirety of his immortal life. The attention he's been craving to have in his life suddenly only matters if it comes from one source—you. Who gives a fuck about what anyone else thinks?

Damn, did that collision juggle his brain? We may never know.

He's been quite the flirt, but only to you, of course. There's something about the way you declined every time he tries to make a move on you that makes determination rage inside him like a scorching fire. He's never been one to push too far, of course, but you can always count on Allen to be there to annoy you from time to time, because he revels in every single one of your banters.

You can't deny shit to this man. He knows very well he's growing on you. He's been a good boi, after all.

Ever since finding out where you worked, he'd come to pick you up so you wouldn't have to walk all the way home all alone—whether he's with his motorbike or not, he's coming. The last time he let you walk alone, he had to beat up a creep for harassing you. Rage took over him so much that you had to pull him away yourself.

Whenever he'd make you upset or angry from one of his antics, Allen's quick to run to the nearest donut shop and buy you a box full of your favorites. He's also keen on the little things (like the simp he is coUGh coUgH)—he brings flats with him whenever the two of you end up walking in any case your heels will hurt your feet like a bitch, he'll willingly hold your drink for you whenever you're out partying, and heck, he's even gone as far as giving you his bomber jacket when your shark week took a turn for the worse and seeped through the white slacks you were wearing.

He hasn't been getting it in a long while either, barely slept with any woman at all since he knew it would tarnish the bond he's been trying so hard to build up with you. All of these things, he's done for you—no matter how much he knows Matt will fucking destroy him with the teasing if it ever goes out to the world.

And so, here he is, lying on his bed in deep thought. "Fuck," he curses, in spite of the lovesick grin settling on his face. "What have you done to me, doll?"  

Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.

Look at what you've done, (Y/N). You've made a bad boy gone soft.


Matt's purple eyes settled on the woman just a few feet away from him, sitting against the gigantic beast he's known for the most of his life to be just as wary around others as he is. You lay against Kuma so comfortably that Matt could tell you were just about a few minutes away from falling asleep.

The Canadian watches as the sunlight filtering through the trees projected a pattern of shadows on your face, your fluttering close at the feeling. The sketchbook you always have with you now rests at your stomach unattended as you slowly get lulled into the sense of tranquillity.

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