1.6.5. Fishing Bait

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A/N:  Will make the next one longer and more exciting.


Chapter 5

§ Fishiηg Bait §


“Who—who did this? The entire room is trashed. I can’t believe it,” Alexx said, completely stunned.

Sheets were ripped off the beds and overturned chairs obstructed part of the entrance. All drawers were pulled open; various items were strewn on the carpeted floor. Lying in the middle of the mess was Hayden, who was curled up in a fetal position. His chest went in and out, labored breathing blocking out all other noises.

Ezio rushed over to Hayden’s side, calling his name. Slowly but surely, his eyes fluttered open. “I tried. I tried to…” Ezio frowned, not able to understand what Hayden was attempting to tell him. Hayden raised one arm and beckoned for him to come closer. Ezio leaned in and Hayden whispered in his ear.

“They’re looking…key…someone blocking abilities…” Ezio shushed Hayden, wanting to persuade him to get some rest. “Imposter of you…bad double…” Ezio shot to his feet; it had to be the same person who pretended to be Alexx.

He shifted through everything and combed the room, searching for anything out of place. A clue of some sort might point them in the right direction. Ezio had no luck whatsoever. Rummaging through his backpack didn’t help much either. Nothing was missing, so what was the point of vandalizing the room? That was often used as a warning.

Alexx gave Hayden a hand and propped him against a bed’s edge. “He’s in no shape to get back to his feet,” Alexx mentioned. Ezio nodded curtly and let Alexx know that he was going to check out the other room. When he entered, it was easy to tell that it had been destroyed. Chase was doubled over, but he still stood up and Lance used a desk for support. Ezio immediately took back what he had said earlier.

She was gone. Violet.

“They took her?” he screamed, grabbing fistfuls of his hair. “I’m heading out and getting her back.”

Lance pleaded, “Wait just a bit. Don’t make any decisions yet. We’ll go after her soon enough.”

Chase added, “He’s right. We have to pinpoint her location and be sure it’s the right place. Plus, what about my girlfriend Cammi? I need to see if she’s alright.”

Ezio felt his heart plummet all the way down to his stomach. “Camille? Your girlfriend?”

“Yeah, that’s what I said. Is something wrong?”

“Um,” Ezio stalled. He had first saw Camille at the store and then again at the supermarket. If that was the case, why didn’t Chase recognize his girlfriend at the store? It had to be one big coincidence. “I’m just worried about Violet…You guys should take a nap and we’ll pack up. We should find Izzie.”


When everyone was gathered in one room and updated on what happened, they set out. Ezio had used the free internet in the hotel and found Izzie’s address after countless tries. After a three hour trek, a two-story house came into view. It looked normal, but Ezio followed the cobbled pathway with caution. He rapped lightly on the oak door and rang the doorbell twice. It opened to reveal the little boy from the market.

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