1.6.1. Super Suite

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Chapter 1

§ Supєя Suitє §


“Come on guys! We’re almost there…only twenty more blocks or so," Chase estimated with his upbeat voice.

He jogged, but the others trudged behind him, still struggling to keep up with the pace. After what seemed to be twenty minutes, the building was a few footsteps away; clearly, it was a hotel. Thankfully, they had survived the arduous walk (or jog in Chase’s case), passing by countless convenience stores, gas stations, supermarkets, and whatnot. Standing before the entrance, hesitating, the group craned their necks to gaze in wonder.

“Maybe…this is not a good idea,” Hayden said, gesturing in the general direction of the hotel, “because who’s going to let us in a five-star hotel?”

Lance waved a hand. “Relax. I have this covered. Let’s just go in.”

He pushed past everyone, followed by Ezio, who eventually went through the fancy revolving doors and entered the hotel. The inside was even more dazzling than the exterior. Ornate carpets without a single stain. Breathtakingly beautiful chandeliers hanging from the high-vaulted ceilings.

There wasn’t much time to admire the lavish decorations, so they headed to one of the counters. The hotel had no incoming customers at the moment, but the sooner Ezio and the ones got situated, the better. A middle-aged man wearing a custom-tailored suit looked up sharply and immediately sneered.

“What are you ruffians doing here?”

Ezio stifled a laugh; they didn’t look that tough, did they?

 “We would like to book two rooms for two nights,” Lance answered, and added, “Thank you, sir.”

The painstaking politeness failed to work. “Scram before I call security.” the man said in a low tone.

“Sir, don’t your remember? We are your most valuable customers and come here all the time. Now, please hand over the key cards. Two suites that are next to each other. A beautiful view would be nice and if we were right by an exit and fire staircase…”

Lance trailed off; his soporific tone was hypnotizing and had done its job. The man, with glazed eyes, promptly handed out four key cards, two for each room. “Enjoy your stay. Your rooms are 188 and 189 on the eighth floor.”

Before they left, Ezio slid some dollar bills into the man’s hand, feeling guilty.


Hayden jabbed a button and the elevator ascended, coming to a halt when it reached its destination. The group found the rooms. Violet got first pick of which room she wanted. Chase and Lance chose to go with her. Ezio was about to protest, but turned red at the thought.

Alexx, Hayden, and Ezio went into their room. A bed, sofa, chairs, and plenty of space. Alexx flung himself onto the bed and buried his face into the pillows. “This is so comfortable! Wow, what kind of feathers are used?!” he yelled, his voice muffled.

The phone rang, interrupting Alexx’s jabbering.

Ezio picked it up. “Hello?”

On the other end, there was a beep followed by an automated message, which was strange.

“Izzie. Indigo. You will find her here…”

Another color of the rainbow? An address was recited and Ezio quickly took a pen and jotted it down. He told the others and Alexx searched a phone book.

“It’s a…supermarket. Weird. Why would she be there? Want to check it out still? It’s nearby.”

Hayden grumbled, “I’m not stupid. It’s a trap; it has to be.”

Ezio shrugged and said, “Sure, why not? We might catch a break and you never know...”

“Suit yourself; I’m ordering room service.”

Ezio and Alexx headed down and within minutes, they arrived at the market, marked by a bright neon sign. Once inside, Alexx gasped and took a step back. He nudged Ezio, who followed Alexx’s gaze and saw…himself.

Jigsaw (Undergoing major editing)Where stories live. Discover now