1.2.5. Candle Flames

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Chapter 5

§ Caηdlє Flamєs §


Ezio woke up. Violet said, “You had a seizure, Ezio. Surprisingly, the staff didn’t even notice. I assumed you were okay, so that’s why I didn’t call for help.” Right after Violet’s comment, the three heard sirens. Could they have any more bad luck?

A voice amplified by a megaphone shouted, “We know you're in there! Ezio. Elaine. All we want to do is talk. Peacefully. Nobody's in trouble. We don't want anyone to get hurt."

Elaine rolled her eyes and said, “What a bunch of lies. That’s what they always say. To supposedly give you a sense of security and trust them.” She loved watching those criminal detective shows and saw them always saying the same things.

Ezio tapped his chin and said, “Hmmm…how are we going to sneak past them?”

Elaine offered, “I’ll distract them, so you guys can run.”

Ezio stated, “No. It’s too risky.”

Violet argued, “It could work, you know. They won’t hurt her.”

The café staff was beginning to surround the threesome. They tried to appear relaxed and easy going, but Ezio knew better and saw right through them. Without any further discussion, Elaine slipped out the back door. She screamed loudly; it was able to be heard through the heavy door. Ezio heard a commotion outside; her shrill, high-pitched scream had definitely done its job.

He took Violet’s hand and together, they evaded the café staff and pushed open the back door. Not hesitating at all, they ran as fast as they could. Their legs were pumping; adrenaline was coursing through their veins. Ezio didn’t listen to the policemen’s yells as they tried to pursue him and Violet. The sirens grew softer as they made their getaway. The only reason why they made it was because the police had been too busy, tending to the “missing girl”. The two came to an intersection.

Ezio said, “We can’t go back yet. There are too many police swarming the place.” Violet nodded and began to cross.

It all happened so fast. Ezio had barely any time to react. Violet had stepped off the curb onto the crosswalk. She had been very cautious, making sure to look both ways before she crossed. Ezio began to follow, but an out-of-control car came barreling towards Violet. It was swerving and speeding at the same time, which was enough cause for concern. Fear had a big grip on Ezio and that was what rooted him to the spot. He shouted, trying to warn her, but it was too late. Violet’s eyes widened as the car hit her. The driver didn’t even stop; he just sped off. Unfortunately, Ezio was unable to remember the license plate.

He rushed over to Violet and saw her mangled body. His throat tightened and a lump formed. He told himself that he should do something, so he checked her pulse. There was a faint heartbeat! He didn’t want to move her, afraid that he would break her fragile body. Thankfully, Ezio had been taking emergency classes. He began doing CPR and as a last resort, he did mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Ezio repeated this and redoubled his efforts. Her eyes were still closed. He began shaking uncontrollably and Ezio began crying. Was she going to be okay?

Violet’s eyes fluttered open and she whispered, “I’m sorry, Ezio…” She took a few shaky breaths; her chest heaved and like a candle flickers before the flame is extinguished, she had one last breath before she became silent. Her blank eyes stared up at the night sky, not seeing the twinkling stars above.

Jigsaw (Undergoing major editing)Where stories live. Discover now