1.4.3. Clever Ruse (Chase)

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Chapter 3

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The screech of the whistle could have blown out Chase Whitford’s eardrums. Raising his hands to cover his ears didn’t help much; the incessant ringing still continued and was becoming too much for him to bear.

“Drop and give me twenty!” Mr. Peterson yelled.

Without pausing, Chase did the push-ups, making sure that his elbows were bent at ninety degrees. Mr. Peterson, his coach and P.E. teacher, was extremely strict and had high expectations. Especially since Chase was the M.V.P. for most kind of sports. What he enjoyed, though, was running and being on the track team. There was no better feeling than the wind brushing against his cheeks as he leaped over the hurdles and tore the ribbon that marked the finish line. He never seemed to run out of energy! He could run fast, as fast as lightning, some said.

Chase was the only one who could make Coach give one of his rare smiles. He was the star player, a well-known jock. He wasn’t smug and not one who bragged. Actually, he hated being in the spotlight, getting unwanted attention.

Everyone couldn’t help but like him. Chase even hung out with the less popular people and he treated all people the same. The cheerleaders often flirted with him, swooning and swaying from side to side; others asked for his autograph.

Chase hated the fact that they were mean to his girlfriend, Cammi. She was not like any of the girls in the cheerleading squad; in fact, she was the exact opposite. Cammi was one of the sweetest girls Chase had ever met; she helped out in the school library and did community service in her spare time. Surely they were just jealous! Chase thought back to the day when Cammi and the cheerleaders became archenemies.

Chase saw the whole scene from the very beginning. Lizz, the squad captain was chatting with her fellow cheerleaders when Cammi walked by, holding a few library books. They surrounded Cammi and made snide comments about her clothes and “cheap” shoes. Cammi looked like she wanted to cry, but she stood her ground and told Lizz that she probably wore all that make-up to hide her hideous personality. Mindy, the flyer, also known as the girl who’s light enough to be thrown up in the air, whined and told Cammi to stop using big words. Chase intervened by standing between Lizz and Cammi. He grabbed Lizz’s hand and pushed and pulled her away. After he let go, she squealed and declared that she was never going to wash that hand. Chase asked Cammi if she was okay, a redundant question, but he truly meant it. She nodded and ever since, Chase spent his time with her. He realized she was the perfect girl for him and asked her out. At first, she said no, but changed her mind two days later.

Chase’s train of thought was interrupted when Coach said it was time for laps. He stretched, preparing for the strenuous exercises ahead. When it was time to start, Chase took off and finished first. Unlike his other classmates, he was barely panting.

Unexpectedly, his heart felt like it was on fire and he couldn’t breathe. His lungs were being filled with fluid. Water? Images flashed in front of him. Two girls with red eyes. Running away. Drowning. Chase gasped and spun around wildly. Nothing. He must be having hallucinations, but something was off. It suddenly dawned on him. Cammi was not here!

No, she was here. He had just seen her last period. She had perfect attendance and would never ditch a class. Chase made a beeline to the boys’ locker room. He got dressed and tried to calm himself down. Buzz! His cell phone! Chase smiled when he saw the caller I.D. Cammi. He pressed the button to answer.

“Hey, Cammi. Did something come up?”


A distorted voice spoke.

“Find Ezio. Bring him to the boss alive or your girlfriend will suffer.”

“Just do what they say…” Cammi’s voice was hoarse and barely audible.

Mortified, Chase stood there, not knowing what to do or how to respond.

“Wait, please. What did you do to her?! I don’t know any Ezio. Who’s the boss? How do I know where to go? Leave her alone, you—“

The person on the other end hung up.

Chase paced back and forth, thinking. He came to only one conclusion: skip the rest of school and find Ezio. Or he might end up never seeing Cammi again.

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