1.3.1. Fishy Situation

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Chapter 1

§ Fishy Situatiση §


Violet grasped Ezio’s hand and started pulling him along. However, Ezio stood his ground.

She whispered, “Come on. What are you doing? The police will be here any minute.”

“I’m turning myself in.”

“What?!” exclaimed Violet, staring at Ezio.

“I need to make sure Elaine’s okay.”

“Don’t worry so much. I’m sure she’s fine. After all, she’s in police custody.”

“That’s the problem. Who knows? They could be asking her so many questions and she must be under a lot of pressure. I can’t let her mom pick her up. If they find out Elaine told me the truth, that’ll be a disaster. I don’t want to put Elaine in harm’s way.”

“Huh?” Violet said, a confused expression slipping onto her face. With so much going on his life, Ezio had forgotten to tell her about his nightmares. He began talking and before he knew it, he was telling her a whole history lesson, from what he remembered to the tattoo to his school life.

Ezio only stopped when Violet said, “What?! You’re not…human? Who are you? What are we supposed to do? My father…no, it can’t be. He’s been missing for so long…”

She staggered back and stared off into the distance as if she was a million miles away; Ezio waved a hand over her face.

“Earth to Violet. Do you read me? Knock, knock.” Violet heaved a sigh and looked as if she had regained her composure.

“Haha, very funny, Ezio. Did my dad mention me?”

Ezio paused and said, “Well…yes. He said—”

Violet’s face suddenly hardened and she muttered, “I don’t want to hear it. He hasn’t been around, so why should I care?”

“Um, but he’s your father. Don’t you want to—”

“Forget about it, Ezio. Some matters are better left alone.”


“Don’t apologize; I should be the one saying sorry. If I seem a bit harsh, it’s just because my dad wasn’t there for me when I needed him the most.”

“Vi, don’t say that. I’m sure he cares about you a lot.”

“Oh, by the way, I have one of those tattoos also. It’s a violet. The flower. Wanna see?”

Ezio knew she was just changing the subject, but it worked. He didn’t talk about her father again and nodded in response. She brushed aside her long hair and on her neck, there was an intricate pattern. Even though there was only a single flower, it was quite beautiful.

“I don’t know where the flower tattoo came from. My mom almost killed me when she saw it. She thought that I had gotten one without her permission. I told her no, but she wouldn’t believe me. Later on, I tried to take it off, but it just stayed there, as if it were permanent. It’s been there ever since I can remember.”

“Same here, except mine’s a key.”

Their conversation ended when they heard the sound of car doors slamming. Great, the police were here. In less than two minutes, Violet and Ezio were surrounded by five men, all of them pointing their guns at the two.

Ezio joked, “Really? All this for me? I feel honored. Am I on the most dangerous list?”

Violet nudged him and through clenched teeth, she said, “Now’s not the best time for playing around. They mean business.”

Ezio saw that the men’s eyes were trained on him, like they were going to tackle him or even shoot if he made one move.

One of them shouted, “Hands on your head, now! Surrender or we won’t hesitate to shoot!”

Ezio held up both of his hands with no idea what they were trying to do. They edged closer and finally cuffed him.

Violet said, “Is that really necessary? What did he ever do?”

A police officer replied gruffly, “He’s wanted for questioning. Plus, he has already committed a crime. Obstruction of justice.”

Violet scoffed and said, “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

An officer turned to her and said, “You too, missy. For all we know, you could be an accomplice.”

“For all I know, you guys could be overreacting. There is no hard evidence, is there?”

“That is confidential. If you don’t know what that means, let me simplify that for you. It’s for me to know and for you to find out later.”

Violet despised being treated like she didn’t know anything. She gritted her teeth, but allowed the officer to cuff her. If she refused even more, it would only make them more suspicious. Violet didn’t know why this was happening, but there was something fishy about the police officers bringing them in. She and Ezio were innocent; they hadn't done anything wrong! Ezio and Violet were pushed into the back of the same police car and they awkwardly held hands as the vehicle transported them to the police station.

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