1.3.2. Boiling Water

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  • Dedicated to All people who are obsessed with books! ^_^


Chapter 2

§ Bσiliηg Watєя §


The police car halted, screeching to a stop. Much to Ezio’s dismay, they had arrived at the station. The car doors opened and both Ezio and Violet were grabbed by the arm. Ezio purposely dragged his feet to stall and find a way to get out of his current situation. Any attempt to escape would’ve been futile because the two police officers were watching him like hawks. Ezio was prodded in the back and he had no choice but to walk faster. Looking over to Violet, he saw that her mouth was set in a firm, straight line. He knew she was trying to have a neutral expression on her face, but really, she was outraged. They were pushed through the front entrance. At least fifty pairs of eyes looked their way. Everyone stopped working. Various items made a clattering noise as they hit the ground. Ink splattered across someone’s desk. Ezio looked down at his shoes, determined not to make eye contact with anyone. Keep walking. One foot in front of the other.

A voice said sternly, “What do you guys think you’re doing? Don’t just stop because of some new faces. Come on, we see that every, single day. Doing nothing and gawking at them means that you’re procrastinating. A waste of time.  Time is very precious; do you understand? Once it’s gone, it can’t be replaced. We’ve got places to be and people to meet. If this ever happens again, I’ll cut everyone’s pay in half. Continue. NOW.”

Then, Ezio heard the hustle and bustle of people working. Whoever that man was, he had a lot of power and wouldn’t take any excuses. Finally, Ezio and Violet were brought outside a room. The door swung open. Elaine rushed out and flung her arms around him.

“Ezzie!” she said in a singsong voice. Elaine had pushed the police officers away and that had made them pretty angry.

Ezio said, “Hey, Elaine.” A detective walked out and addressed Ezio.

“You sister is a nasty piece of work. She wouldn’t say a word to me for two straight hours.”

Elaine let go of Ezio and turned back to stare daggers at the detective who had interrogated her.

“Let’s figure out how to get you out of here, Ezio. I’m sure we’ll get this fixed in a short amount of time.” Elaine smiled and Ezio grinned; her enthusiasm really was infectious. His spirits seemed to lift and now, he felt ready to face anything.

Violet was left outside and Ezio was told to go into the small room. He immediately felt claustrophobic, as if the walls were closing in on him and would never let him see the light of day again; obviously the rooms were designed that way to make people uncomfortable. Ezio froze at the sight of the metal table, but after a few seconds, he shook his head. It was impossible; that couldn’t be the same table from his nightmares.

Ezio, still cuffed, sat down in one of the hard chairs and Elaine’s interrogator took the chair directly across from him. Ezio twisted his arms; the cuffs were becoming a nuisance. To annoy the interrogator, he whined, “Can you at least get these cuffs off? If you do a favor for me, I might be more cooperative.” The slightest shake of the man’s head told him “No way”. He wasn’t about to take any chances.

Ezio sighed and asked, “So, why am I here again? You haven’t exactly told me and I have a right to know. After all, I haven’t done anything wrong.”

“You are the prime suspect for both a kidnapping and a murder,” the detective stated.

Ezio said, “Whoa, hold on. You must be confusing me with someone else.”

The detective simply placed a folder on the desk and shuffled the papers inside. He got out something and showed it to Ezio. It was a picture of Violet, apparently dead. More and more pictures were put on the table. Ezio writing on his notepad. Him sitting next to Violet.  Unfortunately, for Ezio, the photos were high quality. Ezio suddenly remembered; that had been the source of the light flashes earlier. People had been taking pictures.

Ezio shrugged and said casually, “Doesn’t mean anything to me. It’s just a bunch of pics…oh yeah, what’s your name again? I didn’t quite catch it earlier.” He was desperately trying to change the subject. The detective clearly wasn’t amused at all.

“Drew, but that’s not important. I’m the only one asking questions here. Don’t say it doesn’t mean anything to you because all the evidence points to you. There are many witnesses that are willing to testify against you. They saw you right by a dead girl and there was nobody else in sight. How do you explain that?”

Uh, oh.What was he going to say? That he brought the dead girl back to life and that she was the person the police believed to be his “accomplice”? If the police somehow proved him guilty, it might help his case if Ezio acted that he was mentally unstable. That would definitely keep him out of jail, but he didn’t want to take that route. Being called insane would literally drive him crazy and he might have to be evaluated by a psych ward or some place even worse.

“I’m innocent; I didn’t kill her. I haven’t killed anyone in my entire life.”

“Hmm…well, can you tell me where you were the past twelve hours or so?”

“With a friend and Elaine. We stopped by an internet café to you know, get some coffee and hang out.” That was the truth; it’s just that Ezio didn’t mention the fact that they were trying to do some research about his life.

Drew’s beady eyes stared at him and said, “That’s your alibi?”

“Yup. That’s where I was.”

“Can your friend and Elaine prove to me that’s the truth?” That was the tricky part. If Vi’s or Elaine’s story didn’t match up with his, they would be in a lot of trouble. Ezio would do his best to keep the police in the dark; he would never cave in and spill the beans about what had really happened. Ezio smirked, and then stifled a laugh. He had just realized that he was thinking of a bunch of idioms; that indicated that he was getting bored. Extremely bored.

Drew snapped, “You think this is funny?! We’ll see how you feel when you’re behind bars; I will be the one laughing then! Now, tell me where the body is and I might strike you a deal. One chance only, though.” He banged his fist on the table, probably letting out all his frustration and anger.

Ezio didn’t jump, flinch, or blink. Drew was really overreacting. Ezio was only sixteen, not old enough to go to jail. The only “evidence” Drew claimed he had were the photos; it didn’t mean anything.

Ezio said calmly, “Check your sources next time; those photos are fake. If you compare the picture to my ‘accomplice’, you can see they’re the same person. How could I have killed anyone? Sorry, I think you’ve made a mistake and I understand you may not want to admit it. I’m innocent. I haven’t done anything wrong. That’s all I’m going to say…”

Drew’s face turned red and he stood up, walking briskly out, slamming the door behind him. Shortly after, the door opened and in came Elaine.

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