1.3.5. Rechargeable Battery

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Chapter 5

§ Rє¢haяgєablє Battєяy §


Ezio cast a furtive glance over his shoulder, as he made his way down the hallway. He forced himself to walk at a steady pace, not quickly nor slowly. That would only get him unwanted attention. The raucous inmates jeered at Ezio, but he just ignored them. Ezio knew that he wouldn’t be able to go through the same door as earlier. When he met the gray wall at the end of the hallway, he made a right and continued on that way. Another door seemed to be within his grasp; it was so close that Ezio could taste freedom. Wait. How did he know if that door was an exit? There wasn’t an obvious neon sign pointing him in this direction, so why was he coming here for? He drew closer to the door and the inmates reacted exactly the same way as the others.

Except for one.

“Ezio. Help me. Please.”

The voice was barely above a whisper, but Ezio had heard his name. Ezio spun around to see who had spoken. He saw a gaunt, pale face pressed up against the jail bars. It was a boy about his age. The boy must’ve been here for a while. He had emaciated bony hands and his eyes were haggard and cavernous. Worst of all, Ezio could see the boy’s ribs through the prison uniform.

“Who are you? How’d you know my name, huh?”

The boy looked up at the ceiling as if the answer was written on there. He bit his lip, looking extremely worried.

“You gotta believe me when I say this, okay?”

“Sure…I just need to know. Hurry before the guards find me,” Ezio said quickly.

“I’m Hayden and believe it or not, I’ve had dreams, telling me to find you. You’re the leader or something.”

Ezio didn’t need to rack his brain at all to remember who Hayden was. He was the one who represented the very end of the rainbow. Was this all a coincidence or was something drawing them together?

Ezio nodded and said, “Okay, let’s get you out of here. Ethan, a little help here please.”

Nothing happened; a confused expression was plastered on Hayden’s face.

“Never mind. I’ll just have to find another way.”

“Ezio…watch out!”

Unfortunately, Ezio’s limbs wouldn’t obey him even though his mind was screaming at him to move. A feeling of numbness pervaded his entire body? Was he paralyzed? He fell to the floor and when he saw the guard, he immediately understood. The guard had tasered him. Ezio struggled and attempted to move, but the taser had done its job. The guard grabbed Ezio, but swore, flapping his hand as if something had burned it.

Ezio felt a tingling sensation and it seemed that he was regaining control of his muscles. For some reason, he felt refreshed, as if he had just taken a long nap. At the time, Ezio didn’t think much of it; he just took advantage of the situation and disarmed the guard.

“Give me the keys to this cell,” Ezio demanded, while shooting the guard a dangerous glare.

The guard complied and tossed the keys over; Ezio caught them with ease and was lucky that the first key he tried was the correct one.

He pulled Hayden out and locked the guard inside the cell. The inmates were raising a ruckus, so Ezio and Hayden would have to move fast. That, however, would be a problem. Hayden looked like he was out of shape, since he had been cooped in a cell for at least a few days. Ezio started running and Hayden did his best to keep up.

“Come on, Hayden. We’re almost there, “ Ezio said, trying to lighten Hayden’s gloomy mood.

Ezio grew a bit worried when all the doors seemed to look the same. Hadn’t they already come this way earlier? Hayden continued running alongside Ezio, who hoped that they would find their way out of this labyrinth.

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