1.5.4. Friendly Enemy

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Chapter 4

§ Fяiєηdly Eηєmy §


Ezio’s gnashed his teeth as he held himself back. He clamped his hand onto his left fist, resisting the urge to start throwing punches. His blood began to boil and rushed to his brain, which told him to unleash all his fury. Fuming and disgruntled, Ezio took three deep breaths. As if that would calm him down. If he was the star in a cartoon show, his character would be the one with flared nostrils and steam blowing out the ears.

When he began to think rationally again, he remembered something from a conversation with Ethan. He had told Ezio that he wiped his memory because he wanted to wait until Ezio was mature. So what did Lance mean? Was he telling the truth or…

“Did Ethan hire you?!” Ezio asked, his voice raising an octave higher than usual.

“Never heard of him,” Lance muttered.

“Don’t deny it!” Ezio growled.

Lance kept quiet. Yelling was going to do Ezio no good and his pugnacious behavior would cause him to make a bad decision. He had to put himself in Lance’s shoes and see from his point of view. Rubbing his temples, Ezio began to ponder over Lance’s statement. Maybe Lance really didn’t know Ethan. At least not by that name. For all Ezio knew, the man could have a split personality or an alias.

“I’m talking about the man from my dreams. The ones I told you about earlier…”

Ezio described Ethan as best as he could. A few seconds later, the corners of Lance’s mouth turned up as he smiled ruefully. To Ezio, it was more of a grimace.

“Diedrich. Great, just great. He’s the world’s best boss. Yeah, he ordered me to.”

Ezio was confused; so, there was another person? Or not. Who was who? The only thing he knew as of right now was that Lance despised his boss; Ezio had detected a hint of sarcasm. He could use that to his advantage. Ezio didn’t like to admit it, but Lance’s ability to erase memory was useful and the key to survival. Not to mention his power of persuasion.

Ezio said blatantly, “I believe you, but I’m not sure if you’re entirely trustworthy. After—”

“Give me a chance and I’ll prove it to you,” Lance interjected.

Ezio deliberated for a while before nodding.

“Fine. So, tell me everything from the very beginning.”

As Lance recalled his past, Ezio listened intently.

“As you know, Diedrich took Khia and me in. He kept telling us we were special. I learned soon enough; he was just using us, but he provided us with everything. Diedrich felt that we owed him and I guess we did. The day he told me to wipe your memory, I noticed a change in him. Diedrich was polite…and desperate. I never thought that I would see that in a million years. At first, I asked him why I needed to take some boy’s memory. He was sweating like crazy and threatened to kill Khia. I had to go along. And then she was sent to assassinate two girls. I think their names were Keaira and Keauna. That’s what happened. I’m offering to help you. Take it or leave it.”

Red and orange? They were dead. Things were worse then Ezio thought.

To ease the tension, Ezio inquired, “Do you have a color? I’m Blue.”

“Er…Some say it represents the absence of color. White, that is.”

He looked at Lance’s dark hair and eyes and found that hard to believe, but who knows? Hair dye and contacts could be bought anywhere.

Ezio heard a moan of pain and made a beeline to where Hayden was lying. His face was pinched and pallid. Violet looked extremely worried and threw up her hands to show she had no idea what to do.

A mouse scurried right by Hayden, who reached out and grabbed hold of the furry creature.

Violet’s eyes bulged out and she shouted, “What are you doing? That thing could carry diseases.”

Hayden smiled weakly, “Relax. Watch and learn.” He petted its fur for a few minutes, while Ezio and the others watched. If he had blinked for even one second, he would’ve missed it. The mouse squeaked and shredded its fur. It shriveled up, looking like an old prune. Finally, it disappeared as if it never existed. Hayden jumped up and was looking like his old self.

“What…just happened?” Lance wondered, asking the same question everyone probably had.

“I hope you guys understand, but I lose energy every time I imagine and create something. It sure is exhausting. So I can just basically replenish myself with any life form.”

Ezio said, “Okay…Anyway, we should get out of here.”

A chorus of “What’s the plan?” rang out. Their earnest faces were bright and Ezio knew they were ready for anything.

Rummaging through his pockets, Ezio pulled out the piece of paper that Ethan had gave to him.

Failing to find better words, he said, “Um, we start with this and locate a phonebook. Hopefully, we can talk and meet up with them.”

They eagerly followed Ezio out the door and he felt happy that he truly was not alone like before. Not anymore. The happiness was short-lived, however, because one by one, they were slammed against the wall of the warehouse.

Jigsaw (Undergoing major editing)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang