1.5.1. Comfort Zone

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Chapter 1

§ Cσmfσяt Zσnє §


The heavy black cloth smothered Ezio, not letting him see anything. Some movement let him know that he was being transported. It felt like he was strapped down in a seat. Bumps in the road sent unpleasant shocks throughout him. Even worse, the stifling heat was suffocating. Searing heat. So hot that it froze. The change in Ezio’s breathing pattern alerted the driver.

“Don’t try anything,” he warned.

As if Ezio would. His mind was practically mush and full recovery would take at least a few hours. Right now, following along willingly was the best option. The black cloth was actually a good sign, a sign that he was wanted alive. If Ezio was going to be killed, they wouldn’t bother with hiding their identities. As the vehicle took him further and further, he wondered how they pulled it off. After all, the heat and light meant that it was broad daylight. It was a risky plan, unless the car windows were tinted or if they were in a remote area.

The vehicle halted, screeching to a stop. Car doors slammed, while Ezio was guided to an unknown location. He heard scuffling behind him. Hayden and Lance?

“Where are my friends?” asked Ezio, determined to get an answer. Well, he had just met Lance, but his actions to help them seemed genuine.

“We’re right behind you,” Lance and Hayden answered simultaneously.

Ezio sighed with relief; at least they were all together.

That was the kidnappers’ first mistake. Separating them would have been more effective in making sure escape was not possible. Ezio thought that their confidence was a bit disconcerting, though. Usually, duct tape was used, but not on this occasion. They weren’t afraid that Ezio, Hayden, or Lance would yell for help.

The blindfold came off and Ezio shied away from the bright light. He saw the back of a woman’s head, the ponytail swishing back and forth. She headed out and left Ezio with Hayden and Lance. He glanced at them to see that Hayden had a permanent scowl on his face, while Lance seemed to be in deep thought.

One look around the room and he realized how odd it was arranged. It was almost as if…they wanted Ezio and his friends to be comfortable. A sectional leather couch with plush upholstery was positioned in the center, with plump goose down pillows against the back of every seat. A group of recliner chairs with a glass coffee table somewhere in the back. Fancy rugs. Widescreen plasma television. Surround sound system for a home theater. A fully stocked kitchenette. Whatever his captors were trying to do, Ezio was not going to give them the satisfaction of seeing him using any of what they had provided.

He sat on the part of the floor with the patterned tiles and both Hayden and Lance joined him. An awkward silence hung in the air until Lance spoke.

“So…what now?” His voice cracked on the last syllable, sounding a bit tinny. The sarcastic attitude he had displayed earlier had completely evaporated. His tone made him appear more vulnerable than he actually was.

Ezio felt sorry that Lance was dragged into this mess, but there was no way to turn back the clock.

“We comply. Simple as that. For now, anyway.”

“Shh…they could be listening to us…” Hayden whispered.

“Doesn’t matter if they hear. It’s not like they’re going to learn anything they already know.” Ezio said.

As seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into hours, Ezio found it impossible to sit there and do nothing. He began seeing if there was any possible way out of there. Of course the door was locked. Too bad there wasn’t some secret escape route underneath the floorboards. He tried sending out electricity, but it didn’t work. Maybe he was inexperienced with how to control it or all powers were somehow being blocked. Rendered null and void.

Then, Ezio found himself telling Hayden and Lance about his past. At least, the parts that he remembered. Everything from the recurring dreams to the strange tattoo to meeting Violet. Hayden and Lance listened, barely interrupting. Ezio exhaled, feeling as if a weight was lifted off his shoulders. It felt good to tell his story and not keep it bottled up inside of him.

Next, Lance was the one who spoke up.

“Well…as for me, I never met my parents. I was told that they just left me on the doorstep of an orphanage. It was rough at first, but I met a girl named Khia and we became instant friends, always looking out for each other. We were both adopted by the same person. She was twelve and I was ten. I think it was kind of strange, but—“

The sound of the door opening cut him off and without thinking, Ezio tackled the first person that came in.

Jigsaw (Undergoing major editing)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя