Whiskey Peaks Welcomes You

Start from the beginning

"Kay Zoro and Ussop. You heard the girl." Nami got their attention. They had been uncomfortable with the atmosphere as well. "Let's get this ship on the move. We've got places to be." The two quickly moved to prepare the ship to sale. Within ten minutes they were finally leaving Twin Capes.

Tempest felt it the moment Tranquilty's power dropped. The only explanation she could think of was that their father had given her a dampener, which was perfect for her.

"Do we attack now?" Current asked her eagerly. She too had felt their sister's power drop.

"Not yet." Tempest said after thinking for a moment. It was true that together they could corner their father. But with Tranquility there, even with her power more than halved, it wasn't certain that the fight would go their way. "Now that her power has been dampered I can create some decent storms. We'll follow their ship and see if we can sink it. Or at least knock father into the water so he'll be weakened." Current gave her a strange look before smiling.

"What?" She tried to speak casually but her voice came out defensive.

"Your trying to protect him." Current cooed.

"I don't know what your talking about." She blushed as she spoke.

Current floated through the water till she was upside down in front of her, their faces inches away. "The swordsman." She giggled as she floated in a circle around her.

"So what if I am?" Her hair swirled around by the slight current Current was creating. "There is nothing wrong with wanting to protect the weak." She defended herself before adding. "Its how we were raised." The moment the words were out she regretted them. Current stopped floating around and had a pained look on her face. It had always been their father that had pressed the idea of being a hero for those who couldn't stand for themselves. She still, after all this time, couldn't understand why her father had done what he did.

"You know I didn't mean to bring it up." Tempest said quietly.

Current smiled a sad smile. "It's ok." Her smile twisted slightly into a grimace. A look Tempest didn't think suited her, it ruined her childish looks. "Just cause father is a hypocrite doesn't mean he was wrong when he taught us that." Her smile returned, though it still had a sense of sorrow to it. Then she tilted her head to the side as if a thought just dawned on her.

"I don't want the ship to sink either." She looked over at the hull of the ship, which was beginning to move away from them. "I think I might like the guy with the long nose. I've never spoke to him so I don't know for sure. But he's my type." Tempest blushed in surprise. Current spoke so bluntly about her interests while she had a hard time admitting anything about her feelings. Her father had always teased her about that, called her his little tsundere even. She shook her head to free it of thoughts of the past. It had been a happy time but it was over now.

"Lets go after the ship." She instructed as she pushed through the water after the ship, Current followed after her. "I'll begin making storms."

"And I'll get ready to save the guys we like." Current beamed. Tempest blushed but didn't deny anything or tell her not to. It was the closest she could bring herself to letting her feelings show.

"Where are all these storms coming from?!" Nami screamed over the raging winds. It was currently raining and the sea tossed and bucked their ship about like a toy. And early they had suffered through a blizzard, fifteen minutes earlier to be exact. Weather changes like that weren't supposed to happen.

"You was warned about the unpredictability of the Grande Line weren't you?" Miss Wednesday asked from the beside her. During the blizzard their two passengers sat inside away from the cold. She had quickly put them straight. Mr. Nine was currently help Ussop and Luffy with the dales while Sanji and Zoro steered them under her command. Miss Wednesday had helped with directing them through the waves while she watched the log post to keep them straight. She had also made the mistake of not watching the log post. They had nearly reversed in just half an hour. It truly was their lifeline here.

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