Enter the Grande Line A Whale?!

Start from the beginning

"Its official." Nami announced before turning to D. "Is there anyway you could make sure the ship stays its course without capsizing while we discuss how to enter the Grande Line?" She asked him.

He grinned as he waved his hand. Slowly the wheel spun to right their course. With each wave that crashed against the side it felt as if invisible hands held the ship right. "Good enough?" Nami nodded as she called everyone to go inside.

"We need to be ready for the unexpected when we enter the Grande Line." Nami stated once everyone was sitting at the table. "Besides D, no one here has ever been to the Grande Line. Its not called the Pirates Graveyard for nothing."

"We also need more crew members than we have." Everyone turned in surprise to look at Luffy who had spoken. Well, everyone but D. They had already discussed this long ago. "We need a doctor to take care of us. We've been lucky so far but there is going to be bigger fights in the future. We need to be prepared." D held back his laughter as the others stared in shock. Luffy had just said something smart. "We also need a musician." Luffy smiled.

"I should have realized it couldn't last." Nami sighed. "The one time Luffy says something smart and he adds something ridiculous." She turned to D. "Is there anything you could tell us to help us prepare to enter the Grande Line?"

"Well for starters it can be the greatest adventure you could ever imagine or it can be your worst nightmare, depending on how you choose to view it." Ussop instantly came down with the 'I can't enter the Grande Line yet' disease. "There's more." Ussop paused in his moaning. "The first half gained the nickname of 'Paradise' along time ago from pirates that tried to brave the second half before they were ready."

"Why's that?" Nami whimpered slightly as she moved over to Ussop's side of the bench. She looked like she might come down with 'I can't enter the Grande Line yet'.

"Due to the second half being even more unpredictable than the first half." D answered her. "But you don't need to worry about that till you get there."

"How are we supposed to even get there?" Zoro asked. "If its as unpredictable as you say then I doubt a good sense of direction will do us any good." This brought out shouts and stories of his own lack of direction.

"Normally you would by a special compass in Lougetown. But its become difficult for anyone to get their hands on since Captain Smoker was dispatched there." The whole group become sullen. Already the were less prepared for the journey. "Don't worry though." D added before they could get too down. "I have a couple friends who hang out at the starting point for the Grande Line. I already checked that their still there so just mention me when you get there."

"Wait your not going to be with us when we enter?" Ussop asked a little worried.

"I drew a lot of attention back in Lougetown. There will be certain people looking for me." D answered his question. "If they find me on this ship they might try to destroy it."

Zoro flinched slightly as he realized who D was talking about. "Tempest." D nodded.

"Ok everyone." Nami took over bravely. "Is there anything else you want to add?" She pointed at D. He shook his head and gestured that she had the floor. "So the Grande Line will live up to its reputation. We already knew it would be tough. Each of our dreams led us here and we're not quitting. So lets move on to the subject of actually getting into the Grande Line. The challenges start now."

D quietly left the room as the group began discussing the river path leading up the side of the Red mountain blocking the Grande Line from the common world. Making sure that the ship would guide itself for at least another half hour before needing their navigators direction he left the ship.

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