I'm just that good of an actor.

Start from the beginning

"Sorry." I mumbled.

"It's ok." He sat up next to me.

I wasn't really sure what to say. That was the second time in two days that I've been lost in Tyler's eyes. Not that I didn't like his eyes, they were gorgeous, but why can't I look at them without him noticing?!

"Hi." Both of us looked up to see who said it. Of course, it's some bleach blond tramp. That was very Carrie Underwood of me, don't you think? But seriously, what's she doing here? I mean she's obviously here to hit on Tyler, which was fine with me, she can take him, but did she have to show up right after we had an awkward moment?! It's sluts like her that make me want to punch people.

"Hi." Tyler said. I rolled my eyes. He was totally looking at her boobs hanging out of her to small bikini top.

"Has anyone ever told you how hot you are?" She said. Wow, just cut right to the chase.

"Yeah they have, but I'm always willing to hear more people say it." He smirked. Presenting the self centered jerk everybody!

"Well you're hot. Really. Really. Hot."

I scoffed. She epically sucks at flirting. My sudden noise seemed get her to notice me. Now I'm going to have to talk to her. Wonderful.

"Why are you here?" She asked.

Was this chick crazy? "I've been here the whole time honey. If anyone should be wondering why they're here, it's you."

She looked at Tyler. "Is she you're girlfriend."

"No." He said, well more like growled.

She smiled at me like she had won something. If only she knew, I DON'T CARE! "Then she shouldn't mind if you come with me."

"She probably wouldn't." He told her, "but I do."


I had to hold my laughter in. She sounded so shocked. I'm sure it's not the first time she's been rejected. Stupid chick.

"Yeah, I don't want to go with you. Anywhere."

"But...w-why?" Was she going to cry?

"Well for one, I don't know you. Two, you're not my type, and three, I really don't feel like moving."

I chuckled at his last comment. Lazy ass.

Blondie glared at him for a few minutes before stomping away. That's when both of us burst out laughing.

"I hate girls like that!" He yelled, laying back on his towel.

"Everyone hates girls like that. You handled it well though. I was impressed."

"Yeah, well I really didn't want to leave you here alone. That was reason number four. I didn't tell her because I didn't want you in some girl fight. No matter how sexy it would have been, and you probably would have won."

"If you wanted to go with her, you could have gone. You wouldn't be hurting my feelings."

"I didn't want to go with, because as much as you hate to admit it, it WOULD have hurt your feelings if I had left you here alone." He said with a smirk.

"What makes you say that?"

He sat up and looked me right in the eyes. "You're alone too much at home. You don't get the attention you need, or deserve. That's part of the reason you came on this trip, is to get away from that. So if I would have left, you would have felt hurt."

Damn he was good. "So maybe you're right. It sounds like you know the feeling."

He laid back again. "Lets just say it's not just because I like to stare at you, that I'm thankful you came with us. If you weren't here, I would be making out with the slut right now."

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