Dreams. Welcome to Lougetown!

Start from the beginning

"What are you doing up so early?" She asked him. He looked up at the brightening sky.

"Could ask you the same thing." He smiled. And for the first time his smile didn't make her nervous. It didn't make her feel like he had ulterior motives. It was a honest and kind smile. "I was just trying to talk to some old friends. Though they refuse to talk back." He sighed. "I know your listening guys!" He suddenly yelled surprising her.

They sat there in silence watching the sunrise as Nami had the urge to ask D her question involving the dream. "Do you sense an end coming?"

"Do you mean the an end like the end of the day?" He gave her a strange look. "Or maybe the end of a game. Could be the end of a book."

"Never mind." She sighed. Having a serious conversation with him was like Luffy having a good idea. Far and in between!

"It could have to do with how close we are to Lougetown." He said, drawing her out of her thoughts. "People tend to start thinking like that since it got the name of the town of beginnings and endings." Maybe he had a point.

"Gaaaah?!" They turned in surprise as Luffy's voice rang out from below. Without warning the hatch leading below burst open and Luffy jumped out screaming. Once his breath ran out and he had to breath he look around in confusion until he spot Nami and D.

"D!" Luffy ran over and grabbed D by his collar. "Don't you dare mess with my adventure!"

"Ok?" D nodded very confused. Once Luffy had his promise he calmed down and went to the kitchen to get some breakfast. Ussop and Zoro crawled out from below shortly after, still looking tired.

"Do you guys know what that was about?" Nami questioned the two.

"No idea." Zoro shook his head.

"Yah." Ussop agreed. "We were sleeping soundly when suddenly her started freaking out saying something about it ending to quickly. Then he screamed adventure and ran on deck." Nami looked at D.

"Don't look to me for answers." He shook his head. "Luffy had done stranger things. Once he woke from a dream and accused me of eating his foot. He even took his foot and shook it in my face asking if it looked like his foot had been eaten. When I said no he rolled it up so you couldn't see it and asked me again." D chuckled as he remembered. "Once he calmed down as punishment I tied his feet to his head behind his back and made him go from one end of a jungle to another like that." Everyone looked at him like he had a their head or something. "Of course I followed out of sight to make sure he didn't die." He added.

"Land ho!" Luffy cried out while he ate a plate of waffles. Everyone turned to see where he was pointing to.

"There it is you guys." Nami smiled. "Lougetown. The last stop before the Grande Line!"

Meanwhile on Lougetown in a government office filled with steam sat a man relaxing as he stacked rocks, biggest to smallest, on his desk. Two cigars sat between his lips as he concentrated, the steam seemed to come off his body slightly.

"Captain Smoker, sir!" A marine soldier burst into the room causing the steam to dissipate. "We have an emergency sir!"

"Relax." Smoker took a deep breath and let it out, the air around his head clouding up. "If you work yourself into a stress you'll get ulcers."

"But sir!" Smoker gave him a look. "Right sir! Sorry, sir." The marine took a deep breath and let it out, his shoulders relaxing.

"Better." Smoker went to the window and opened the shutters, letting the rest of the smoke and steam out. "What do you have to report?" He glanced back at the marine who pulled out several papers.

"We received notification that a high bounty pirate is heading our way." The marine pulled an envelope out from the stack. "Also this came in for you."

Smoker took the papers and the envelope from the marine and looked over the report. "Do we have a poster for this Monkey D. Luffy?" He asked the marine.

"No sir. The posters are a little late today." The marine had the audacity to look embarrassed as if it was his fault. "But the report says he should be arriving today. We just need to keep our eyes sharp."

"Yes." Smoker sighed as he inspected the envelope. It was not marked in anyway and only had his name on it. "Sharp eyes." He mumbled as he opened it. There was no sign of poison. Inside was a slip of paper with a message written on it.

The Devil walks amongst us. Beware the D. Ps. Hina's debt is paid. Signed, Hina.

Smoker's eyes widened as he reread the message. Clearly the message was timed to come her with the reports so the D talked about had to be this Monkey that was mention. He had spent enough time training at headquarters before receiving his post to know about the Devil. Though the fact that he could never find out who still troubled him. He still had a feeling his orders sent him here so he couldn't dig any deeper. Luckily there happened to be someone on the island that had stories involving the Devil.

"Sir!" Another marine rushed into the office. "Trouble at the docks. A pirate has arrived and refuses to give his name. He is terrorizing the citizens and claiming to be heading to the Grande Line for the One Piece.

"I'll take care of it." Smoker grabbed his Jutt from beside the desk. "Have the others patrol the streets to make sure none of the crew members of this pirate have wondered anywhere." Smoker quickly made his way out from the office. Something told him that this Monkey D. Luffy had indeed landed on Lougetown today. Maybe this pirate was him. Maybe not. Only one way to tell.

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