"Daddy, I'm pregnant," announced Rose with tears in her eyes. Oh, baby girl. What on earth was I supposed to do about this? I'd just given Dimitri permission to marry her, as had Janie, because we'd realised how serious both were about their relationship. We'd even frequently joked how they constantly fought yet had an ability to work it out and their relationship somehow strengthened because of it. So what the hell was going on with Rose?
"You sure, Kiz?" I asked as tenderly as possible. The building tears were enough of an indication to me she was feeling extremely vulnerable. And likely scared of this causing yet another rift between her and Dimitri. My question wasn't the one she or anyone else would expect. It wasn't why, it wasn't even had she been unfaithful. It was simply how. How was this baby possible?
"I'm certain," she snapped. "That's the problem. I'm too certain. The test accuracy was too high and I'm too far in for the hormone changes to be just barely detectable." She shook her head, lowered her gaze, and the tears spilled while she muttered something about Dimitri killing her.
"Rose Mazur," I chastised gently. "He won't-he CAN'T-touch you when you fight outside the gym, how could you possibly ever believe he would, let alone enough to kill you? Yet again. It tore him to shreds when Ozera shot you."

I was not letting them split over a child that was theirs. That was just ludicrous. Never mind how much Dimitri wanted a child that was HERS, if not theirs, then at least hers. He'd even talked to me privately about it, asked me about options if she ever changed her mind about never wanting kids. He'd also assured me, despite their innumerable fights over the topic already, that he'd never pressure her. And, from what I'd heard on both sides, the baby argument had always stemmed from the marriage one. From what I'd gathered, my daughter still felt incredibly insecure and traumatised by Janine's telling her of Tasha Ozera's offer. Even though Tasha was now long-since dead for her high treason, it was still a sore point. And her shot wound right in and over her heart was a literal and constant reminder. Yet Rose seemed to be unable to see that Dimitri could not and would not forgive Tasha for being a jealous and selfish bitch and killing his Roza.

Rose glared at me until her smoothie came. It was so like mine and her mother's that it didn't phase me. I'd normally play Switzerland between the guardian lovebirds. Not this time, this time I was firmly on Dimitri's side. And she wasn't going to be happy about it.

"Do you have no clue how much he loves you? Do you know how much he wants your baby, and I'm not simply talking about one you both created, even one that's simply half you?" I challenged carefully.
"Do you not realise how many times we've fought over the topic? It never ends well." Her brown eyes she'd inherited from me burned holes in mine. "Why would this be different simply because he's gotten his goddamned wish?"
"Kiz, just because Janine and I weren't there for you, doesn't mean you two won't sort it out. You've got the support networks. You've even got the queen as your friend and charge."
"That's another reason I shouldn't be a parent!" she exclaimed in frustration. "The most important person in the world is my charge, my ex bond-mate, and I put her on the throne."
Now I chuckled. "She'll let you have time off. For heaven's sake Kiz, you demanded to review, revise up, and re-choose her detail of twelve guardians up to twenty. She'll be fine with you taking leave. Even Christian has enough guardians for Dimitri to take the same time off too." Not to mention the hundred-odd background checks you made me run and re-run. "Never mind the fact she'll be delighted to be an aunt." 
Rose took a gulp of her smoothie. "Yeah, but I'll need at least a year off, an entire year, Abe. I'll miss a year of college, and that's going to be suspicious," she said before taking another gulp of the smoothie and finishing off her chocolate donuts.
"You can still go. I'll give you, and Bub, Pavel- I know you get along with him," I offered. Pavel was my best guardian, and he adored Rose like a precious little sister. That was why I was happy to hire him out to her. He'd do it in a heartbeat. Except...
"Abe! I am a guardian; I don't need one." Exactly as I thought she'd argue.
"Go home, Rose. Or to the gym," I told her as I stood to leave. I gave her a quick hug and hurried out before she could tell me off. Get used to hugs, Rose, your child will be constantly demanding them if Bub was anything like Dimitri and his nieces and nephew. Incredibly loving.

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