A birthday gift

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It was a week since the attack, and a week until my Roza's eighteenth birthday. I wanted to do something special for her, which wasn't handing her me, my innocence, my virtue. I couldn't since she'd already taken that from me... An hour or so before the attack, might I add. It was supposed to be wrong, but that woman was my soulmate so it was oh so right for us to join our bodies as our souls exploded and interwove. We fit together so perfectly, it was as though I had been made for her, to be with her. God. I loved her and she'd turned me lovesick- even more so since we'd made love.

So, my birthday present for her now... involved a level of fancy footwork in order to be successful. I now planned on removing my mentor status. Officially. I didn't know how Petrov or Kirova would take it, after all I was still her strongest chink to keeping her in school... if not her only chink.

I summoned the courage and resolve I needed, and knocked on Alberta's office door.
"Come in!" she called what felt like a century later.
"Petrov." I greeted the captain with a nod.
"Belikov," she nodded back. "What can I do for you?" I would make this as quick as possible because she was snowed under in post- and, no doubt, pre-attack paperwork.
"I want to drop my mentorship of Rose, effective as of her birthday." Shock and surprise crossed the older guardian's face.
"Sit, Belikov." I did as instructed and she continued. "Tell me why."
"She has more than caught up to, and surpassed, her peers. She has far too much experience, so no longer requires my instruction and tutelage."

Well... We may still have some self-control issues. But I could not teach her that when I had none around her, all because her soul and being drove me wild.

What Rose did require from me, however, was my love, support and attention. She needed me to be there for her, us being the equals I always saw us as. That being said, I'd done a shit-ass job at treating her as such.

"Would you still being willing to train with her if she asked?" A thoughtful and almost calculating look was her face.
"With? As my future guarding partner and as an equal? Yes. But be her superior instructor? No."
"Leave it in my hands, Belikov," she eventually sighed. That was a dismissal if ever I knew one. So I nodded and bolted out the door, trying not to get my hopes up. I was also hoping she wouldn't pull my woman in for a meeting; it'd ruin the surprise if she did.

Six days later, Alberta called me into her office.
"You required me, Petrov?"
"Here, your birthday gift to Rose. And also, by extension, mine." She handed over the paper which told me I was no longer my soulmate's mentor, as of midnight (midday human time). I had two hours left.
"Thank you, Petrov," I was truly grateful and humbled.
"This doesn't mean you get out of being the one to look after her or deal with her."
I was dismissed and left for my dorm, paper in hand. I had a card and another tube of her favourite lipgloss to give her. (That lipgloss was my favourite on her.) I carefully folded the paper so it would fit inside the card, then added it to the gift.

Midnight came around and I easily 'snuck' around to Roza's dorm. Gently and softly, I knocked on her door. Oh, she was going to enjoy this midnight wake-up call. I hoped. She'd wanted freedom for her birthday, and I was giving her the closest thing possible at this point in time.
"Comrade?" she asked curiously, but still slightly sleepily, when she opened the door, letting me in without hesitation. "What's going on?" she continued after locking the door.
"Your birthday, my beautiful woman." I handed over the gift while saying "happy eighteenth, my love."
"I thought I told you not to spend money on me," she commented while leading me to the bed.
"This was nothing, promise." I pecked her cheek before continuing. "I've already given you the most valuable thing I can, my love."

"Oh, Dimitri!" my soulmate flung her arms around me after reading the sheet and dropping of our roles. "You are amazing. I love you."
"I love you." I pulled her into a kiss, flung the gift to god knows where, and laid her back on the bed. "I love you so much, Roza. Happy birthday, my precious."
"Thank you. I love you, more than anything." The kiss reinitiated and grew until the point our body's and souls rejoined. For the first time in my life, I fell asleep with the woman I loved.

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