Co-incident at Court: meeting a cutie

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"Rose?" I asked in shock. I was running laps around Court, and apparently she was too. But it wasn't that that shocked me, it was that she was running with a pram.


"Am I that unrecognisable?"

"Am I?"

"You are." I nodded to the pram.

"She's the unrecognisable one."


"Take a look. You'll love her." She moved to the front of the pram and removed the sleeping child. "She's ten months old comrade, she's still delicate though extremely strong and developed. Here." She handed the baby over to me.

"Rose?" I carefully took the child from her mother and held her against my chest. She fit perfectly and sighed before snuggling further. It was adorable.

"Awwww." She sighed. "Never thought I'd see that. She clearly loves you already."

"Rose? Whose is she?" I wasn't being accusatory, just insanely curious.

I got a soft laugh and a "have you actually heard a thing I've said? Or actually looked at her yet?"

I hadn't really taken a look at the little girl's features and was shocked by what I saw. She looked like me, well, she had some Rose features but all-in-all she looked like me. If she was mine then that didn't surprise me- the Belikov genes were strong, very strong and showed through in all my family back home. She looked like me in the same way my nephew- Paul- looked like his mother. Rose laughed at my expression- whatever the hell it was.

"Aww. Comrade. See something you like?"

"I think you mean two someone's I love." I laughed. It was true, I loved both of them. I had a daughter, with Rose.



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