The surprise bundle of beauty

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"What's wrong, Rose?" asked an extremely worried Dimitri when I walked in for our first training since the attack... and the cabin. God that had been beyond words, but I was now paying for it.
I swallowed and forced myself to speak. "I'm pregnant," I blurted. I hadn't needed to do a test, I had all the symptoms.
He stared at me in confusion. "How far in? A foetus shouldn't have survived the attack and rescue mission."

I'll admit, as uncertain as I was about keeping it I already considered the baby growing inside me as exactly that, a baby I love. I knew this pregnancy was as odd and fast as Bella's from Twilight. Though god knew why. I was three weeks in from conception, but my fear-borne research told me I was five— closer to six— months in. I had no choice but to come full term. Because of that, it stung hearing Dimitri coolly call our baby 'a foetus'.

"I'm only a week late," I confessed, "but this is our doing." I brought his hand up to my much expanded waist. At the touch of his hand, the baby moved. "This is your doing, Dimitri. You're the only one. And I don't know why or how he or she survived, but he or she did. It's been three weeks since we sealed the deal, but I'm close to six months pregnant already."

I'd spent two and a bit weeks locked away in my room, only coming out for lunch. Lissa had kept me in supply of snacks and had taken care of breakfasts and dinners. I knew she suspected I was pregnant but didn't want to push me on the matter as she didn't know who would get me pregnant. She didn't believe I would forget to be safe if I'd had sex with someone... she couldn't fathom that I'd even have sex for the first time and not tell her.

Dimitri didn't remove his hands from where our baby was fluttering in my tummy as his calculating look fell into place. "I need to get us out of here for at least three weeks," he told me decisively, wearing a concerned, loving, determined expression.
"Wh- what?" I so wasn't following his logic.
"Rose, you're showing too much already. It's not safe for you or our baby to stay here. You can't afford to deliver on campus, Roza."
"I can't afford to disappear for three weeks and return to campus with a baby," I retorted. He turned speculative again while wrapping his arms around me.
"Here's what I was thinking, if you take this the right way. We road trip to Vegas and get married, you deliver and then I 'adopt' with you."
"Because you can't be recognised otherwise and a single dhampir can't adopt..." I for once mused things over instead of impulsively exploding. I blame hormones! "And there's no way I'll be allowed to graduate and be a guardian— let alone Lissa's— if I've already got a baby." Stupid societal structure.
"What do you think, Rose?"
"You aren't just marrying me to cover are you? Or just because you got me pregnant?"
He dared to chuckle. "No. I'd been considering proposing in front of everyone at graduation. One knee, ring and a gorgeous and promised you."
"You'd've been arrested!" I cried in shock.
"Nothing they could do. Any one of them could try pressing charges—"
"But they wouldn't succeed because I would refuse," I laughed, catching on. "But what makes you so certain I'd say yes?"
"You love me and don't care about social conventions, what others think. Even if you made me wait a decade, I'd still get a yes and I Do from you."
"Screw you!" I teased.
His eyes lit up. "Is that a yes?"
"What about my one knee and grand speech?"
"You want one knee and a grand speech? I'll give you one knee and a grand speech," he teased before dropping to one knee. "Rose Hathaway, I promise to love you for the rest of forever. I will do all in my power to protect you and our family. I promise to make sure you always have competition for the most badass guardian. And I promise you will always be my goddess. Miss Rosemarie Hathaway, will you 'make an honest man of me' and become my perfect wife?"
Tears dripped down my face. "Who knew you could be so sappy? Yes. I love you. Yes."
He smiled so bright it was like he was a kid who'd just been told Christmas, Easter and his birthday were coming early and all at once. He kissed me cautiously but deeply. "I love you, Roza. I'll see you soon– after I get us out."

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