Dimitri and Rose's deepest secret

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I was awoken by a knock on my door. Grudgingly, I got out of bed and answered said door. To find the last person I expected. I wasn't sure how to react to the early morning wake up call. My mouth and heart, however, decided to act on their own-not bothering to consult with my brain-when my eyes saw him wearing his rare, full smile. Milliseconds afterwards, my hands followed suit.

"Hi," I grinned and tugged him inside by his shirt, slamming the door in his guard dogs faces.
"Morning," he greeted, the smile not dropping as I led him to the kitchenette. We sat on opposite sides of the table; I had my elbows on the table and my chin in my right hand, my left hand gripped my right forearm in support. As it was, Dimitri was practically copying me.
"To what do I owe this pleasure? Why have you woken me before the hour we used to train at? With I don't know how many happy emotions in your eyes and on your face, no less?" I really was curious as to the mood swing and change of mind.

He spoke after a pregnant pause where he looked at me for the first time since just before he was turned. He really looked at me, looked through me, even, and I wanted to squirm. "I know," whispered Dimitri. "I know your deepest secret, Rose."

Now he was scaring me. Not in a bad sense, but in that occasionally annoying way he could know things about me I didn't or didn't want to know. How did he know? How could he know when not even Adrian or Lissa did? How could he know what I was hiding, what not even my aura revealed?

"That doesn't answer my questions, Dimitri," my voice shook when I spoke, and it came out in a barely audible whisper. I was hiding from the truth in a way I never had before.

"In a way, it does. You can't hide from me, Rose. You can't even hide me from myself. You do quite the opposite. I know you've done what's not supposed to be possible-I can see it. I've Felt it. I felt it when I couldn't understand it, when you very possibly and probably didn't even know, yourself."

He knew. Of course he knew. I could never hide anything from my hot and badass Russian god. I could never hide from the love of my life.

"Tell me. Tell me what I'm hiding," I timidly directed. He had no clue what the hell he did to me.
"You're pregnant. You're pregnant with my baby. If I'm right, you're nearly six months in," declared Dimitri with love lacing every word.
Though I could also detect a level of fear as well.

He wasn't sure how I was going to respond. He was scared of how I was going to react after he'd kept pushing me away and not giving me the time of day since he'd been turned back.

He may also be scared of how our baby should have died thanks to all the events in Russia and what not. And he didn't even know about the Belikova's drowning me in the rocket fuel also known as Russian vodka.

"I..." I didn't know how to respond.
"Does... does Ivashkov know? Does Vasilisa?" he asked.
"No. They don't. No one knows, Dimitri. Absolutely no one. The darkness in my aura is hiding the second one, they can't detect it. I haven't gotten morning sickness, so I haven't been to a clinic. You know, with our taught abdomens, a trained female guardian-or even dhampir in general, but guardian especially-barely shows until it's delivery time."
"Are... are you going to tell them any time soon?" curiously yet warily asked Dimitri.
"Yes. No. I don't know. I hadn't planned on it."

It was far too early in the morning to deal with this. I flopped my head on the table, resting cheek against the wood of it, and splayed my arms out in front of me, almost reaching for Dimitri. It was as if my body was asking him what my tired brain didn't or couldn't. It was as if my body was begging for him to help, as if my baby was asking for Mommy and Daddy to be together.

"Oh, Rose," he sighed and took my hands in his. The heat the flowed between us made me sit bolt upright. Although, our hands didn't separate. This life and heat was what had been missing in Russia.
"Come on, you." My voice shook again, except this time it was in anticipation and layered with lust.

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