Different day at the ski lodge

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"That wa-"
"Was Adrian Ivashkov? Yes, I am aware. He's not safe? According to his reputation? Yes. In reality? No. He's harmless. Did you even check why we were there?" I snapped at Dimitri before the lecture could start. It was holidays, I had a black eye curtesy of my mother, and my soulmate in the form of my mentor was being an asshole.
"I don't think so. If you had you'd realise I was shoving a gift back in his face and getting Lissa out of there myself. She's my best friend and charge, not yours. And your not her guardian or my mentor." I kept my voice calm, all too calm and level. As I said before, it was holidays and the guy in front of me was being an asshole. And, frankly, also a player. "It's holidays. I don't need you on my case. You've clearly chosen Tasha, so stick with her. 'Play me once, shame on me, play me twice and it's shame on you.' Don't do it Dimitri, don't hurt anyone else. I know your lessons inside-out, upside-down, and back-to-front. You're predictable."
"Who told you?" He hissed.
"The same woman you seem to think needs defending to her own daughter- Janine Hathaway. Happy now?" I started letting my attitude and anger show.
"If you know my lessons then why don't you follow them?" He accused to avoid the question.
"Because you don't!" I whisper yelled. "How many times? How many times do I have to tell you?! You! Don't! Follow! Your! Own! Life! Lessons!" My voice got colder, icier, more dangerous by the word. My volume never rose and my body never moved. "And I'm not just referring to control either." The control he was about to lose. He either wanted to shut me up with a kiss or punch. "Go ahead, give me another black eye! Do the one thing you can't stand. Be the epitome of a hypocrite." I hissed and he snapped.

Slap! Slam! He did both. His hand came out and made contact with my other eye. But before I could move, his other hand joined to cup my face and his lips came crashing down on mine. It was deep and power filled, fast and furious, and over almost as soon as it started.
"Damn it, Rose! How do you keep doing that?" He actually swore in English.
"Read you like an open book? Know how to piss you off? We both know that answer." I whispered.
"Then why? Why do you insist on pushing me?"
"Because you can't see what you're doing. You're brighter than me, in so many ways, but you can't see what's right in front of you, the damage you inflict. You don't have the "experience" I do."

Speaking of which, I need to do something about that puppy-dog called Mason Ashford. I was hurting him in the same way Dimitri was Tasha. The 'safer' option simply wasn't one. There was a reason I'd not started something with him earlier- because it was wrong to when I couldn't commit. God! I did know Dimitri's lessons. And we were both being hypocrites. No wonder he'd hesitated to take me on.

"Rose? Are they? The rumours?" His brow rose on 'Rose' and kept going to the point it had to be hurting. He looked almost hurt, and certainly disappointed.
"I'm talking just the flirting. I'm still, how to put this tactfully and subtly? Unmarked? Unclaimed? 'Innocent' is the typical code and holds true. The rumours are just that. You know from that night." I referred to the lounge, and lust charm, and his brow came down to furrow with the other one before he nodded.

I could tell a sense of relief flooded through him; I was still a virgin and, if he ever wanted to claim me, I was claim-able. "I do know." Oh, he wanted me. Badly.
And I wanted to be his just as much. I connected with him in a way only soulmate's could. My heart and soul were his no matter what and I wanted my body, my innocence, to be his too.

"Why'd you come Dimitri? What had you in this part of the lodge?" I tried getting on a 'safe' topic, a more 'guardian related' one, to ease the building tension.
He was giving me that smouldering look again, the one that told me he was studying me- as in my soul and being more than my body. And I didn't doubt my face reflected how deep I was looking into him, his being and soul. Us locking eyes was just as dangerous as, if not more so than, us locking lips.
"We got some- oh, never mind! Follow me. I was heading towards a meeting your mother called over another attack." He led me in the direction of my mother's room which was turned into a makeshift office.

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