A birthday to remember

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I awoke to a knocking on my door. Checking the bond, I felt Lissa was still asleep. Then I checked in with my sense of smell... And damn! I shoulda checked that first, because that scent sprang me into action. I bolted out of bed and opened my door. Aww, isn't he the hottest Russian battle-god ever?
"Hi." I shyly greeted. "What brings you to this corridor?"
"You." he huskily whispered and I stepped back to let him in. Hurriedly, yet softly, I closed the door and locked it.
"You're trapped!" I softly teased, he simply grinned and rolled his eyes while stepping closer to me.

"So are you!" he whispered sexily in my ear once I was sandwiched between him and the door.
"Hmmm. You're clueless, aren't you? Completely clueless."
"I could say the same thing about you, my love." he lovingly retorted against my lips.

God, my Russian battle-god, his scent and being, was making me heady. He really had no idea what he did to me. My heart was racing in anticipation, I could taste his breath and sense my lips tingling. It didn't help that I could feel every place we touched.

"I love you, you do know that, don't you?"
"I love you more, milaya."
"Mmmm... With the risk you run each second we continue? Yeah, you do. And damn! Does it make me fall for you more."
"You're worth it. I promise you, you are totally worth it." I wasn't allowed to respond, because anything I could have said was swallowed by a kiss.

"Why are you here? Really? Surely, it's not just 'cause you want another piece of me?" I softly enquired once I'd remembered how to breathe. I let my curiosity and intrigue ring in my voice. It wasn't an accusation, nor a request to leave. I never wanted that man, my man, to leave.
"You know I don't see you that way, my precious. It's your birthday, if you remember rightly."
"I know you don't, and it's appreciated. Seriously. Although it is hard for me to adjust to. And you're distracting, I really am struggling to think past 'I love you'- if I can think at all. So no, I haven't registered it's my birthday 'cause I don't know what time it is."

It'd been two weeks since the attack and rescue- I knew that much. The Academy still hadn't picked up the pieces. So, we were without classes, the Senior novice's field experience long forgotten, and we were still on a human schedule.

"It's just past midnight."
"Aww. Aren't you adorable. I'm glad you're first to wish me a happy birthday and see me as an adult. Oh! Hang on!" I giggled as softly and quietly as possible. "You've been doing that, basically, since you first met me. God. I love you."
"Mmm. I love you too." he moaned against my lips.

All it caused me to do was pull him into a deep kiss, and pull him even closer by digging my nails into the small of his back.

"You're clueless, woman." he groaned against my mouth.
"Care to try enlightening me?" I teased suggestively, our mouths still touching.
"Care to? I think you mean 'love to'." My man rejoined our lips.

The kiss was slow and suspenseful, full of love and life, patience and passion. His tongue eventually asked for entrance, and, naturally, received it. The dance for dominance began and things began to heat up. That being said, they weren't quickening. Yet. It took a while before hands truly went exploring. And Dimitri was being an absolute tease; it simply wasn't fair. His touch, taste and smell were setting me on fire. Yet, he hadn't removed a single item of my clothing... and I was one second away from ripping his duster off. Once I had that damn duster off the fun really began. The layers started all-but peeling themselves off and the animal inside of us both was unleashed. Again. Dimitri hoisted me up and took me to my bed once we were down to our undies. It didn't take long for those to come off, and for us to repeat the cabin. Only this time, we slept it off.

When I awoke for real, Dimitri was still acting as my pillow. One that was gazing at me adoringly, might I add. He was studying my body and smiling, actually smiling his rare relaxed and genuine one. It made my heart race and my breath catch in my throat, especially because the early morning sun was streaming in through my window and backlighting him with a golden glow.
"Morning birthday woman." he grinned. "I would say 'you look like you've seen a ghost', but that expression is the polar opposite of the one you're wearing now. So, what have you seen that has you so entranced?" was softly and cautiously added.
"You. I can't decide if you're an angel, god or saint right now. One thing's for sure, you're beautiful, heavenly and god-sent." He looked so peaceful and carefree right now, and it made him nearly impossible to look at... Yet I couldn't look away.
"I thought we sorted this out two weeks ago," he chuckled. "I'm no saint."
"Doesn't mean you can't look like one." I playfully retorted.
"And what's with the god comments?" he curiously asked.
"Hmmm. It's something Mase mentioned first lesson back. I didn't believe it. Still don't. Well... Not in the way he meant it. He meant on the battle-field. I'm talking about the battle-field that is the bedroom, that's where I believe you're a god."
"Well, my love, in that case, you're my bedroom battle goddess."
"I'm just yours." I corrected. Quickly adding, "you better realise you stole my innocence last fortnight."
"Hey! Speak for yourself, woman." he playfully retorted.
"Seriously?" I asked in complete astonishment. With his age, Tasha, and Adrian's snide comments I'd began to believe otherwise.
"How are you surprised? I was waiting for my other half, who happens to go by the name 'Rose Hathaway'."
"Not even Tasha?" I still couldn't wrap my head around it.
"No. Because it was you I was seeing every time she touched me, I was seeing and feeling you. That charm more than did it's job, it burned you into my memory."
"Wow. Yeah, I know what you mean. I had the same issue with Mase, only it got him killed."
"We've been through this, Roza. He made his choices too, you have to forgive yourself. You barely had time to grieve before things started spiralling and he started appearing."
"I should check in with him, see if he's found his peace- he's long overdue. Just like Lissa's family."
"Roza." The pain and worry were undeniable, and it was all for me. He'd said one word, just like in the cabin, and the emotion behind it packed a punch.
"I'll be careful, I promise."
"You have no control over the way they react or interact."
"Dimitri, please. I need to do this."
Eventually he gave a resigned sigh.  "On one condition."
"Really? Seriously? You know I don't need your permission, I just want your love and support."
"For me? Please Rose, agree to this for my sanity?"
"Fine." I sighed. "I can't deny you anything."
"Thank you, my love. If things go anywhere near going badly please go to the doctor and the counsellor and try med's like Lissa used."
"What if it blocks the bond? How am I meant to be an ideal choice then? How an I meant to do my job better? How am I meant to keep her sane?"
"Oh Roza, you're doing it again. Always thinking of fighting Lissa's fights for her. This is one instance where you need to come first, if only because you won't stand a chance of doing your job at all if you lose it  like you did back then, even if only for a split second."
"Okay, okay. Screw your normal logic."
"Roza, love, that wasn't my logic- it was yours."
"What's the time? 'Cause I'm hungry."
"Uh oh!" he chuckled when he read the time. "I've been here too long. I love you though- please believe that."
"I love you too, Comrade. I'll see you around." I gave him one last (for now) passionate kiss, he dressed and snuck out my window. I hope he didn't get caught. Or hurt, I was on the third floor after all.

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