Chapter Twenty Four

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~ Chapter Twenty Four: Lady of Light ~


          Haldir leads them through a set of paths in the woods, until they are all on a hill overlooking a beautiful Elven city.

"Caras Galadhon." Haldir said, proudly. "The heart of Elvendom on earth. Realm of the Lord Celeborn and of Galadriel, Lady of Light."

The remaining Fellowship arrive at a huge, beautiful city, overrun by trees and plants. They walk up a winding stairway amongst the trees, towards the Great Court of Galadriel and Celeborn. They stand quietly, as two people begin to walk down the steps.

With a soft glow to them, the Lord and Lady of Lothlórien walk toward the Fellowship, hand in hand. Galadriel had long, wavy blonde hair, which barely past her hips. Her face was pale and delicate, and it was not hidden that something in the past has weakened her.

The Fellowship looked up at them in awe at their beauty.

"The Enemy knows you have entered here." Celeborn says softly. "What hope you had in secrecy is now gone. Nine that are here yet ten there were set out from Rivendell. Tell me, where is Gandalf? I much desire to speak with him. I can no longer see him from afar."

Galadriel's eyes shoot at Aragorn's, reading the answer.

"Gandalf the Grey did not pass the borders of this land. He has fallen into Shadow." Her silky voice trails off sadly at the end.

"He was taken by both Shadow and Flame." Legolas says. "A Balrog of Morgoth, for we went needlessly into the net of Moria."

Gimli looks down sadly, as Galadriel says, "Needless were none of the deeds of Gandalf in life. We do not yet know his full purpose."

She turns her gaze to Gimli.

"Do not let the great emptiness of Khazad-dûm fill your heart, Gimli, son of Glóin. For the world has grown full of peril. And in all lands, love is now mingled with grief."

Galadriel looks at Boromir with a piercing gaze that he can't stand. He starts shaking, and casts his eyes to the ground.

"What now becomes of this Fellowship?" Celeborn says. "Without Gandalf, all hope is lost."

"This quest stands upon the edge of a knife. Stray but a little and it will fail to the ruin of all. Yet hope remains while the Company is true."

Galadriel looks at Esmeralda for a few seconds, then gives a small smile. Esmeralda's face paled, and her eyes shot to the ground.

"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Go now and rest, for you are weary with sorrow and much toil. Tonight you will sleep in peace..."

"Welcome, Frodo of the Shire. One who has seen the Eye!"

          Later, back on the ground, an area has been provided for them to rest in. The Hobbits are settling down, as clear singing of Elves could be heard.

"A lament for Gandalf." Legolas says softly.

"What do they say about him?" Merry asks, looking up toward the trees.

"I have not the heart to tell you. For me, the grief is still too near."

"I bet they don't mention his fireworks." Sam says, standing up. "There should be a verse about them. 'The finest rockets ever seen, they burst in stars of blue and green, or after thunder, silver showers, came falling like... a rain of flowers'."

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