Chapter Ten

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~ Chapter Ten: Going on an Adventure! ~


          Two years later, Frodo was having a party to celebrate his twenty-seventh birthday at the Inn of the Green Dragon. He became a little depressed over Bilbo leaving, but after a few months, he was back to his cheerful, mischievous self. Merry and Pippin were busy dancing on the table, each with a cup of beer. Sam was sitting at a table with his old Gaffer, eying Rose, while Frodo grabbed Esmeralda's hand, dancing around the same table Merry and Pippin were on.

"Hey ho, to the bottle I go! To heal my heart and drown my woe, rain may fall and wind may blow, but there still be many miles to go! Sweet is the sound of the pouring rain, and the stream that falls from hill to plain, better then rain or rippling brook-"

"Is a mug of beer inside this Took!"

The whole inn roared with laughter at the end of the song Merry and Pippin sung.

"Alright, lads," Esmeralda said, "Ya can get off there now. I have this terrible feelin' that one of ya will fall off and break your neck."

"Don't be such a worrywart, Es." Merry says, as he takes another swig of his ale.

"Please don't call me that, Merry. It's a horrible nickname."

Frodo looked at her in confusion. What's wrong with that nickname? He was even thinking about calling her that.

"Fine. What else can I call you? Esmeralda is too long of a name for me, and I don't like long names. That's the reason why Pippin and I have ours."

Merry jumped down from the table, then compared his height to hers.

"I'll call you Shorty."

Esmeralda rolled her eyes, then looked up at him. "Alright. But try to use my real name as often as ya can."

"Wow, I didn't think you would actually agree to that." Merry said, scratching the back of his head.

"Don't push your luck." Esmeralda said, seriously.

Merry laughed, then walked off, taking a swig of his beer.

"Try to ignore him, Esmeralda."

Frodo said, as they turned to walk away.

"Although he is my friend, he can be a bit of a show off when he wants to be."

"No worries. I used to have a little brother who acted a lot like those two."

Frodo looked at her in surprise. He didn't know that she had siblings.

"Where is he now?" He asked cautiously.

She looked at him, with a small, sad smile. "Heaven."

"I'm so sorry." He said, with sadness and pity overwhelming him. He decided not to ask how her brother died, even though he was curious.

"I am too, he was only nine when he passed on. His name was Billy."

He nodded sadly, as they stood in silence for a few seconds.

"Lets go get an ale." She said suddenly, trying to brighten the mood.

"Alright." He replied, smiling.

    Once they grabbed a beer, they overheard Sam's old Gaffer, Ham Gamgee, and another elderly man talking.

"There's been some strange folk crossing the Shire. Dwarves, and others of a less savory nature. War is brewing, the mountains are fair teeming with Goblins."

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