Chapter Fifteen

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~ Chapter Fifteen: Arwen ~


Frodo's eyes flickered open, holding an unnatural bright color. He lets out a quiet moan, as a bead of sweat falls from his brow. Esmeralda sits on the ground next to him, patting his forehead with a damp cloth. She brings her hand down to his cheek, cupping it lightly.

"He's goin' cold!" She called out to Strider.

Pippin looks at Frodo worriedly, then asks, "Is he going to die?"

Strider stares into the darkness of the night, as he says, "No. He is passing into the Shadow World. He will soon become a Wraith like them."

Suddenly, a distant cry of a Ringwraith carries through the air.

"They're close." Merry whispers nervously.

Frodo lets out a sudden gasp in pain, as Strider shuts his eyes, thinking hard.

He turns to Sam, before saying, "Sam, do you know the Athelas plant?"

"Athelas?" Sam repeats, confused.


"Kingsfoil, aye. It's a weed."

"It may help to slow the poison. Hurry!"

Sam nods, as the two separately dash into the woods with lit torches. Strider scans the dark forest floor, desperately looking for the plant. Suddenly, he comes across a small, white flowered weed. He drops to one knee, and begins to cut at it with a small dagger. He suddenly freezes, feeling a cold sword at his neck.

"What's this?" Taunts a woman's silky voice, "A Ranger caught off his guard?"

          Frodo is breathing hard, feeling dangerously ill. Esmeralda wipes his head from sweat, as she feels the need to shed tears. However, she won't, for that is not her nature to cry. Merry and Pippin stand over them, feeling small and lost, as they pray for Frodo's well being.

Frodo rolls his head to the side, just in time to see a beautiful figure dressed in white jump from her horse and approach him.

"Frodo, I'm Arwen, telin let thaed. Lasto beth nin, tolo dan na ngalad."

Frodo's eyes close, as Pippin asks,
"Who is she?"

"Frodo?" Arwen says worriedly.

"She's an Elf." Sam says, wide eyed.

Arwen runs up to Frodo, then drops to her knees. She has long, wavy brown hair, a fair face with plump red lips, and a tall frame dressed in mud-stained riding clothes.

"He's fading, he's not going to last. We must get him to my father."

Strider quickly lifts Frodo up, and puts him on Arwen's horse

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Strider quickly lifts Frodo up, and puts him on Arwen's horse.

"I have been looking for you for two days." Arwen says.

"Where are you taking him?" Esmeralda and Pippin ask in sync.

"There are five Wraiths behind you, where the other four are, I do not know." Arwen says to Strider, ignoring the Hobbits' question.

"Dartho guin Berian. Rych le ad." Strider says, before Arwen grabs the reins of the horse and looks into his dark eyes.

"Hon mabathon. Rochoh ellint im."

Strider puts his hand over Arwen's, and gives it a tight squeeze.

"Andelu l ven."

"Frodo fir. Ae anthradon l hir, tur gwaith nin beriatha hon."

"What are they saying?" Pippin asks, feeling frustrated and confused.

Arwen grabs Strider's hand, then looks deep into his eyes.

"I do not fear them."

Strider keeps his gaze on her blue eyes for a moment longer, before letting out a quiet sigh and a nod. Arwen climbs on to the horse, then down at Strider.

"Arwen, ride hard, do not look back."

She nods, then wraps her hand around Frodo for his support.

She turns to her horse, then commands, "Noro lim, Asfaloth, noro lim!"

As she rides off, Sam and Esmeralda run up to Strider.

"What are ya doin'? Those Wraiths are still out there!" Esmeralda yells angrily.

Strider doesn't answer, as him and the four Hobbits watch Arwen and Frodo disappear into the night.

         Arwen and Frodo ride all night, until it was midday. Frodo's head bobs around as the horse runs through the woods. The horse dashes through the trees, until they run across open land. They ride for a few minutes, when suddenly two Wraiths appear from behind them. Arwen grits her teeth, as two others appear from the side to join the chase. She urges the horse to go faster, as they continue to try and escape.

They ride for a few moments more, when one by one, the other five Ringwraiths find Arwen and Frodo and begin to chase.

"Noro lim, Asfaloth!" Arwen breathes, trying not to look behind her.

          She rides for a while longer, until she reaches a wide, shallow river. Without hesitation, the horse runs across the river, then turns around so Arwen could face the Ringwraiths. The nine Nazgul on their horses stood frozen, clearly nervous of the water.

"Give up the Halfing, She-Elf!" The leader says, with a terrible, hideous voice.

She draws her sword, as she yells, "If you want him, come and claim him!"

The leader gives an angry screech, as they all draw their swords, and begin to cross the water

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The leader gives an angry screech, as they all draw their swords, and begin to cross the water.

Arwen closes her eyes, and begins to chant.

"Non o chithaeglir, lasto beth daer rimmo, nin briunen dan in ulaer!"

The water starts to roar, as the Ringwraiths nervously look down the river.

"Non o chithaeglir, lasto beth daer rimmo, nin briunen dan in ulaer!" Arwen repeats, as the water rushes towards the Nazgul.

The foaming water forms into the shape of white horses, as they run into the Ringwraiths, carrying them downstream in a matter of seconds. Their piercing cries are heard very clearly, as they are taken downstream.

Arwen sighs a breath of relief, before she feels Frodo's body fall limp. She quickly pulls him off the horse, then sets him gently on the ground.

"No... no, Frodo, no! Don't give in! Not now!"

She gathers the small Hobbit in her arms, feeling his life slip away. She holds his head to her chin, as she lets a few tears slip from her eyes.

"What grace is given me, let it pass to him. Let him be spared. Save him."

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