Chapter Eleven

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~ Chapter Eleven: Black Rider ~


            Frodo and Esmeralda began their journey by walking through the forest. They traveled through tangly grass and weeds, while moving silently around the trees. They only stopped once at midday, for a quick meal of bread and lard. After that, they were on the move again. When it was late afternoon, they found a nice place to make camp. Esmeralda and Frodo began to find some firewood, along with dried grass. They cleared a spot on the ground, before piling on the wood. On top, they added the grass, then caught it on fire using a couple of rocks. Frodo pulled out his pipe, then climbed a tree, so he could lean back and relax. Esmeralda pulled out a frying pan, (Gandalf insisted on her to bring one) and began to heat it over the fire. After a few minutes, she was frying up a nice rabbit they caught earlier that day. Suddenly, Frodo lifts his head up, after hearing ethereal music in the distance.

"Esmeralda!" He says, in a loud whisper.

She lifts her head, as she heard the music.

"Wood Elves!" They said in sync, smiling.

Frodo quietly jumps down the tree, as they scamper up the hill together, and peer over a fallen tree. They see many beautiful Elves in white elegant clothing, walking away.

"They're going to the harbor beyond the white towers to the Grey Havens." Frodo says.

"They're leavin' Middle Earth..."

"Never to return."

"I don't know why, but it makes me sad."

Frodo looks at Esmeralda with a sad smile, before looking back at the graceful Elves. They watched them silently for a little longer, before moving back to camp. When they were there, Esmeralda served up the rabbit, which was barely enough for the both of them. After their quick meal, they climbed into their makeshift beds, and slowly fell asleep.

         The next morning, the two cleaned up their camp and put out the fire. Once they were both packed, they continued on their journey. They walked for a while, when they came across a wheat-field. Suddenly, Frodo realized that they had become separated.

"Frodo?" Esmeralda called. "Frodo? Frodo!"

Frodo turned, as she appeared out of the tall grass.

She ran up to him, as she said, "I thought I'd lost ya."

"What are are you talking about?"

"It's just somethin' Gandalf said."

"What did he say?"

"'Don't ya lose him, Esmeralda West', and I don't mean to."

"Esmeralda, we're still in the Shire! What could possibly happen?"

Suddenly, three Hobbits rush out of the cornfield and push the two to the ground.

"Frodo!" Exclaims Pippin, "Look Merry! Its Frodo Baggins!"

Pippin gets up, followed by Frodo.

"Hello, Frodo!" Merry says, as he stands up, and pulls Esmeralda up. "Hello Shorty!"

"Shut it." Esmeralda groans, brushing off her coat.

"What's the meaning of this?" Frodo scolds.

Merry and Pippin hurriedly pick up their vegetables, and heap them into Sam's arms.

"You've been into Farmer Maggot's crop! Again!" Esmeralda exclaimed.

Frodo turns to the third Hobbit. "Sam?"

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