My face was as straight as ever and I knew my cheeks were on fire, soaring like a flame at what this man was asking of me. It wasn't happening and that was final. I swallowed nervously and stared at my cuffs, raising an eye at him. "I can hardly undress myself with these on."

Silence suffocated the room as he stood deadly still, his face blank and emotionless as he continued to stare. Part of me was hoping he would take them off, then perhaps I could attempt to exit, praying luck would be on my side. He cleared his throat awkwardly whilst taking a step towards me, not much distance between us now. I inhaled sharply, forcing myself to look away as he came up close, not entirely comfortable with our proximity. I instantly snapped my head back, focusing on my cuffs as I felt him fiddle with the heavy piece of restraint. "These are supposed to be vampire resistant," He mumbled, fiddling with them all the while. "Yet your friend managed to break them, how?"

His question took me by surprise, didn't he know? I forced my mouth shut and pried my eyes away, continuing to watch as he attempted to fiddle with the metal. A healthy vibration fuzzed around the cuffs and I almost groaned in pleasure as I felt the weight from my wrists fall, freeing them. They felt sore and when I looked down, I almost paled. Two thick, black bruises circled my wrists, indicating as much pain as I was feeling. My eyes almost popped as I felt two thumbs brush against my bruises and just as they were there, he pulled away, stepping back harshly as though unsure of what it was he'd just done. "I can feel your  blood surfacing your skin." He said almost breathlessly, his voice low and dark as he kept his head fixated down onto my wrists. I sucked in my lip, frowning in confusion as I continued to stare, baffled. "Human blood." He mumbled almost to himself as I watched his fingers tense tight into his palms, I could feel my pulse begin to race in worry, what was he doing?

"You're frightened?" I realised this was more of a question than a statement as he snapped his head up, his lips tight. I tried to regulate my breathing as I stared wide eyed, of course I was frightened, would he be?

"I'm not frightened." I lied, clenching my teeth as I felt goose bumps trickle down my skin, my nerves were on overdrive.

"You're frightened." He repeated again, this time sounding more sure of himself. "Your heart races when you're frightened."

I continued to be baffled by him, hadn't he ever seen a human before?

"Doesn't yours?" I asked bravely, attempting to take the spotlight off of me as I shifted my feet uncomfortably, though I was grateful for the distraction, I wasn't looking forward to being naked in front of this male.

"It doesn't." He responded quietly. It seemed as though he was truly fascinated with me and I wasn't sure how that made me feel. I was just me, very much boring and plain and yet here he was, totally fixated. "Undress now."

I felt my heart sink, the distraction didn't last for long. I knew he could hear my heart and with how fast it was beating, he must of assumed I was terrified. I was more along the lines of anxious.

"I wont."

I knew I was being a fool, I was testing his patience and I shouldn't be taking him for granted considering the way the other men handles things. If anything I should be thanking him, but here I am, pressing his buttons. "Because I'm here?" He asked questionably, tilting his head. I felt my face flame and I let out a shaky cough, refusing to acknowledge his question. Of course because he was there. "Do I frighten you?"

I almost wanted to slap him with all these questions he was firing at me, I felt as though I was being interrogated and I wasn't all that impressed. "You're making me nervous god dammit!" I spoke harshly, my tone spitting fire as I took a well needed step back, allowing space between us as I almost broke on the spot. Without waiting for his reply, I turned my back towards him and faced the tiled wall. Inhaling deeply, I scrunched the material of the dress between my fingers, thankful to finally get the blood stained material off of me. Looking down, I realised most of the cuts had healed from my body apart from my open wounds of which glass still remained lodged in tight. Realising I had no other choice, I pulled the dress up over my head, letting my hair fall above my breasts as I stood naked in front of him, just not facing him. I threw the material to the side, covering my arms as I dropped my head, giving the floor a death glare.

"I must cuff you now." I felt my eyes close shut as I swallowed, feeling my pride sink lower and lower down the drain as I heard his footsteps. Keeping my eyes closed tight, I felt the familiar weight of the cuffs enclose around my wrists, inflicting a heavy load of pain against my already bruised wrists as I winced internally. I daren't look at him, I didn't care what it was he thought, I just wanted this to end.

"If you don't remain under the shower, I am authorised to inflict as much force as necessary to keep you under to fully complete the hygiene process. The water contains chemicals enough to remove viruses, debris, infections and sores from your skin, healing you. They put additional chemicals in, to inflict pain because they can, that is what you'll find will burn. The sensor on the floor must be weighed down at all times, if the sensor isn't triggered, it will alert them and they will help force you onto the senor, do you understand me?"

I did understand him and I didn't want any more men to see me naked than was absolutely necessary. So with a reluctant nod, I carried my feet over to the red sensor situated under the large shower head. "Turn around."

I felt like sobbing, I knew tears were threatening to fall and I wanted to remain strong in front of him, it's just it was hard, why was this happening to me?

I felt degraded and humiliated, my entire body was on explicit show to him.

Then I felt it. Sharp needle like pelts of water fired down onto my skin, forcing me to the floor faster than I could even realise, a cry of agony falling past my lips as I screamed, loud. It felt like I was on fire, no, worse than on fire. It felt like I was exploding internally out, I couldn't breathe and the more I screamed, the more I choked on the water. Blood was soaking through the tiles, falling through the drain holes with the shards of glass following soon after. I wanted to die, I wanted the pain to go and I'd of done anything to make that possible. It wasn't until I felt majority of the water cascade around me that I finally stopped my screams, feeling the pain subside slightly as the water created a waterfall around me. I felt firm arms force me to sit up against the wall and as soon as I opened my eyes I realised he was blocking me, protecting me from the water. Unable to catch my breath, I choked violently beneath him, clinging to his soaked shirt for dear life as I felt my legs burn in the water. However, the pain was nothing compared to having the full force. I felt the tension in his muscles, the convulsion of his skin as he shook underneath the water. "I'm sorry." I cried, unable to mask the tears, this was meant for me, not him.

"This wasn't invented for a human." He spoke through gritted teeth. His clothes were soaked, his entire body was secreted with the water and it was all my fault. "Don't be sorry." It was only when a significant crack sounded through the glass surrounding us that the water shut off instinctively, forcing my body to shiver and convulse due to the impact of the pain. The man stood up quickly, both of us gawking at the culprit as the glass around us shattered into a million pieces, falling to the floor in heaps. But it was too late, Elias already had him by the throat.

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