"Six months." I breathed through it. "Let's continue, we have to meet with the others outside." She looked at me unsure but nodded her head. I removed myself from the wall and continued to walk, my feet hurting.

"What is that?" The female werewolf asked as she pointed at a light at the end of the halls. "I think we made it!" The werewolves started to run toward it and we soon follow, it was indeed the exit.

The wall was broken, so it was easily for us to get out. "Do you guys know where we are?" I asked to no one in particular as I stared at the trees and bushes around us. We heard shouting's and growling, snarls and screams of pain.

"What do we do now? Where are the others?" Another female werewolf asked scared as she cuddled against a male, must be her mate or brother. A male werewolf came forward to stand next to me and turned to look at me.

"I said we fight, we've been here for years and they treated us like slaves, killed and starved many of us." The male werewolf spoke and the other males reacted, nodding in agreement as they roared. "This is our time for revenge!"

The werewolves roared again, some of them already growling and snarling ready to let their wolves out of chains. "If that's what you want I won't stop you, we have to stop them for hurting more werewolves!" The werewolves roared before releasing their anger, their bodies shifting as they turned into their wolves, running toward the screaming's.

The female werewolves shifted, nodding their heads at me. We followed behind them, the female werewolves watching my back as we made our way to the battle ground, because that is what it was, a battle ground.

Dead werewolves everywhere injured or closed to dying laid on the floor as the other's battled to death. The screams of agony echoed in our ears, this was a bloody mess. I saw some of the werewolves from my father's pack being merciless, ripping chunks of meat from the werewolves skin.

Not even talking about Sebastian's pack members, they were bloodthirsty. The things they do was not even visible, with a stomach like I have I couldn't even watch it without feeling my stomach roil in disgust.

The furious and angriness was visible, they were fighting to kill. To get rid of them. Everything around us was happing in a fast mode, you couldn't even see properly, only hear and see dead werewolves as they slowly turned back into their human form.

Between fighting to death, Vixon came out with me as in my mother in his arms, a knife around her neck. The painfully screaming's slowly died down as Vixon walked forward and after that hell broke loose.

The fighting seems to turn more vicious at that, the killing was crueler. My father and Sebastian's turned into monsters, moving swiftly with my uncles on the battle ground accompanied with the packs members, snapping and ripping of heads.

"Stop! Or I'll kill her." Vixon spoke deadly, his voice booming into the now quiet battle ground. My eyes shifted to Sebastian who was looking at my mother, his body growing as he growled at Vixon, thinking it was me.

His bones popping and snapping as he growled out fiercely, standing on two feet. "Let go of her now!" Sebastian growled out viciously, the rest of the werewolves flinching at that but Vixon. He had flames of fire in his eyes, he was pissed and angry.

"Let go of my daughter Vixon, you lost. Look around you." My father spoke, looking around. "It's over. Give up. Not even with your pack lying around here dead you won't show regret or guilt for what you did, they're dead for your fault, for leading them to their doom."

"You killed them! You're the one who killed them! This is your entire fault! And you're going to pay!" I screamed out painfully, everything happened in slow motion, he slashed her neck but luckily she was faster and knocked her head back, hitting Vixon in the nose.

My mother broke into a run as Vixion cured out loud and growled out angrily. I saw it, it came to me like a flash, I knew what was about to happen. It was like a short of déjà vu. I saw her dead before my eyes, how the light in her eyes was just gone in a blink of an eye.

I couldn't let that happened. "Mom!" I don't know how I got the strength from but I did, she knocked Vixon with her head and broke into a run straight toward my father, at the scream of agony everyone turned around and looked at me in shock, not believing what they were seeing.

Everyone saw what happened in slow motion, one moment our bodies met, one moment our bodies turned and one moment our bodies turned around again, following by a gasp. "No! Mom!" Her body flickered on and off, until the channel was broken.

She held onto me as her body slowly slipped down on the ground. "Mom!" I slipped down with her and hoisted her upper body in my arms, swaying us back and forth. "Mom, please open your eyes."

Everyone stood at a distance in shock, nobody had the time to react. Just look down at us in astonishment and disbelieve. We heard a loud snarl before my father charged at Vixon, killing him painfully slow to hear his screams of agony.

"Mom, you can't. You just can't." I sobbed loudly as I cradled her in my arms and sniffed out. "You need to stay here with me." A person kneeled down next to us, my father looked down at my mother with broken soul.

Her body was pale and cold, blood covering her stomach and back. My father took my mother over as he cried out broken, I never saw him like this before. He was a mess, my father was always the strong one. The hard to crack one but with my mother, she means more than anything to him, she's his life.

An arms wrapped around me and I turned around to flung myself at Sebastian as I cried out. "This is all my fault, I'm the reason she's dead. She's dead because of me. Everything is because of me."

The Heart Wants What It Wants *Completed* (Old Version) Being renewedWhere stories live. Discover now