"Oh yeah! Well at least I don't have groupies and probably have STD's!" I laughed at him. Taunting him so he can get way mad. I don't get mad easily but he does.

  "I do not have groupies!" He shouted.

"I'm not a slut! You said it first." I told him.

"STOP!" Luke yelled.

  "Have you told her?" Ashton asked from behind me.

"No I'm not going to anymore." Calum shook his head.

  "You are!" Michael shouted at him. I was breathing heavily waiting.

"If you aren't, I am." Luke looked at him.

  "You're going on tour with us." Calum said lowly but I heard.

  "WHAT?!" I shouted. "I don't want to go! I'd rather stay here and be lonely than go with you anywhere!" I exclaimed.

  "You see she doesn't want to go. Thank god!" He said. If I were in a cartoon, a light bulb would have gone on above my head.

  "You know what, I changed my mind. I'll go." I smirked watching Calum's face go to angry again.

  "Really?!" Luke smiled.

  "Yeah I'll go, when are we leaving?" I asked shrugging off Ashton.

  "Tomorrow." Luke replied. I simply nodded and when I walked passed Calum, I winked at him smiling.

  "She's doing it on purpose! Does she really have to go?!" He started to shout at his friends and I started to pack. I tripped over Oli, I forgot about him! Caught up in my thoughts and what happened I totally forgot! I pet him and played with him so he wouldn't feel like I forgot about him. I did think though, this will be fun. I'll annoy him, get him mad. Everything! This will be so much fun. Of course there's so much more to do, I can see so much more. We are touring around the world! I can go to tourist attractions everything! I smiled to myself, all of this will be so much fun! But what about Anthony! He's probably worried sick! I walked downstairs noticing that Calum, Ashton, Luke and Michael are still outside talking about how I'm going and everything. I grabbed the nearest phone and ran to my room and called him knowing his phone number.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Hey Anthony!" I smiled to myself.

"Oh my god! Cals! Are you okay! Do you want me to come over?!" He asked in a panic hearing him grabbing his keys already.

  "No Anthony don't come. Calum will get hella angry again. I'm fine, he just reopened some cuts and that's it." I told him while I was staring in the mirror, putting him on speaker and cleaning myself up.

  "That's good to hear Cals! Calum needs to control himself. He's way too overprotective." He sighed, hearing him throw his keys somewhere.

  "Yeah I know. It sucks honestly but I mean he is my brother, what am I going to do about it." I sighed as well and put fresh new small band aids on.

"Anyway enough about that, do you want a ride to school tomorrow?" He asked, I can imagine him smirking right now.

  "That's another thing I wanted to talk about." I told him picking the phone up and closing the bathroom door and sat on my bed.

  "What is it?" He asked.

"Calum told me that they're taking me on tour, at first I declined but then I was like hell yeah! But then when I was thinking about while packing, I was like what about Anthony, Gray and Ethan? You know they start school tomorrow at ours right? But the whole point is I'm going to miss you guys a lot." I explained continuing packing while I was talking.

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