Lets Find a Cook; What's Wrong With Nami?

Start from the beginning

"Should I tell those idiots to come eat?" Zoro asked.

"Nah wait till were done." Nami shook her head. "Otherwise none of us will eat. Luffy would just steal it all. Honestly, food is the only thing he is good at taking." She turned back to D, waiting for an answer.

"Well as you know this body is a copy made from one of my abilities." Nami nodded that she understood. "Being a copy and not the original it actually does not need sustenance."

"Then why are you eating when that food could be saved for later?" Nami asked. She looked ready to stab him with her spoon.

"I spend most of my time in this body." He said quickly. "My real body can last along time with out eating if I have a large meal and don't use any abilities. By eating in this body that little bit of energy goes to my original body." His explanation came out quickly, Zoro almost couldn't understand it.

"Well that seems to be a reasonable excuse." Nami calmed down and continued eating her food.

Both Zoro and D let out a quiet sigh. Nami could be scary when she was mad. There was also no way of knowing who could end up as collateral damage.

"Hey!? Why are you attacking the Going Mary?" They heard Luffy shouting outside.

"What's going on now?" Nami nearly growled. She glanced at the window before returning to her meal. "Zoro, go see what's going on."

"Why do I have to?!" Zoro stuttered in surprise.

"Cause I'm still eating." She replied calmly.

"So am I!" Nami looked at him. "Fine." He grumbled as he made his way outside.

"Im going to take care of some stuff." D stood up and took his empty plate to the sink. "I'm going to leave this body here. Don't let Luffy know its empty. Last time I came back to find I had a mustache and an eye patch painted on my face."

Nami watched as D went and sat down again. After a few moments his body went slack. She could never get used to him doing that. It didn't seem natural for someone to be able to do that. Probably why he was called The Devil.

D opened his eyes to find himself in a pen. He looked about himself taking in the straw bedding and the small food and water troughs in the corner. He was in the right place. Which meant Robin was still alive. Silently he shifted his body from its turtle form to that of a human. His shell changed into a green suit and his cowboy hat grew smaller so that it fit his human head.

"Now to go find Robin." He chuckled in his new form. If anyone saw him he would look like a well to do aristocrat.

Silently he wandered the halls of the building he was in. It seemed he was a ways underground in a casino somewhere. He could here the sounds of slot machines far above him. What kind of group did she join this time? he continued wondering, slowly getting closer to where he sensed Robin. As he rounded a corner he spotted a young woman with bright blue hair that reminded him of his daughter, Tempest. A slight, gentle smile grew on his face. She was peering around a corner and seemed upset by what she saw.

"Miss have you seen-?" She jumped at the sound of his voice and turned to face him. He was quite surprised that he actually recognized her. But before he could say anything else she ran off.

"Who's there?" A gravelly voiced barked out from around the corner. This was an interesting day, he was meeting people that he new all over the place.

"I'm sorry Sir Crocodile." He stepped inside and bowed. "I was looking for Miss Nico. There seems to be some trouble with her turtle."

Robin looked quite concerned and excused herself from the War Lord. She made her way over to him and gestured for him to lead the way.

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