"Well I'm not the one who started all of this because of a baby question." I retorted looking at him.

"Well I'm not the one who started this argument." He retorted looking back at me.

"Well I'm not the one who has to be a kill joy all the time." I retorted getting close to his face.

"Well I'm not the one who needs to sass everything someone says." He retorted getting close to mine.

"I think you two should calm down before hitting one another." Michael said pushing our faces away from each other with his hands.

"Eewwww, yuck!" Calum and I exclaimed at the same time.

"Well aren't you the cutest siblings." Ashton chuckled and Luke and Michael laughed which made the situation worst. Ashton parked outside of our house, mums car was in the driveway. I started to get sweaty hands when we unlocked the door.

"Mum!" Calum and I shout at the same time.

"In the kitchen!" She shouted and we started to walk in the living room. She hurriedly ran out of the kitchen.

"Is Cal-." She stopped when she looked at me. "Why is Calypso with you? She isn't ungrounded yet." She stared me down.

"She wasn't ungrounded?" Calum asked. "She told us she was." He was blaming it on me. Two can play at that game.

"Mum." I started to cry. "He pressured me into going. He was like come on let's go it'll be fun and stuff like that. I told him that I was still grounded and he was like I don't care. He pressured me to going and I'm sorry for letting him get to me." I cried and hugged her.

"He pressured you. Now why would you do that Calum?" She put her hands on her hips.

"She's lying mum!" He pointed at me.

"You see he's denying it because it's true." I sniffled.

"Calum you're grounded when she's ungrounded. I can't believe you pressuring your own sister into going where she knows she wasn't suppose to be at. I am truly ashamed of you." She shook her head and walked back to the kitchen.

"Guys! Why didn't you say anything?!" Calum exclaimed looking at Ashton, Luke and Michael.

"That's family stuff, we're not involved with that." They put their hands up and sat on the couch.

"Cals! What the fuck!" He shouted.

"I was playing your game Calum. If you told mum the truth we wouldn't be in this problem now would we. You were dragging me down well I dragged you down with me." I smirked and did a dramatic leave and Oliver following behind me.

"Good boy Oli!" I pet him and squeezed him in a hug. I changed into my pajamas and started to read Paper towns and I was at page 143, I'm almost done with it! I feel bad for playing Ms.Flores but I'll just ask her if she had any other book I could read and finish it by Tuesday or something. I guess I am a nerd but no one will find out, I mean it's detention stuff. What happens in detention, stays in detention.

"Cals? Can I come in?" I head Michael ask. I laughed and answered a yes and I put my bookmark in my book again.

"You know we didn't mean to hurt your feelings about calling you a nerd. We're actually happy that you read and not go out doing things you would regret later in life." Michael explained sitting on my bed.

"Yes I know you, Ashton and Luke feel that way but I'm not sure of Calum. I feel like he thinks I actually do that with friends even though I mostly don't have any but when I do go out we practically just go to the mall and hang and thats literally it but I feel like Calum thinks I'm smoking or doing weed or going up to guys hooking up with them then going to their houses."

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